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[LTD] []

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:25 pm
by caLorie
Replay Link: ... 444693.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #87
Your Warcraft III Username: calorie@asia
Violator's Warcraft III Username:
Violated Rule(s): Abusing antistuck
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): about 8:50 + about 11minutes
Any further thoughts:

He used antistucks to steal the monsters
Then he got some monters from purple's lane when purple's units was alive.
I warned him about this rule breaking, but he did it again after my words
So he should be baned permanantly. this guy is really bad retard.

(08:58 / Allied) parksinhye.: ??
(08:59 / Allied) calorie: ?
(09:00 / Allied) calorie: teal
(09:01 / Allied) calorie: wtf
(09:04 / Allied) calorie: ??
(09:13 / Allied) calorie: !lms bro

Re: [LTD] []

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:16 pm
by KinG23
Confirmed at the following two instances that bromorat@europe kill stealed purple's creeps.

Code: Select all

8:52 <Bromorat> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: -1777.34, Y: 4042.95, flags: 0x0040)
10:57 <Bromorat> 0x11: Point order: ancestralspirit (X: -1639.35, Y: 5009.77, flags: 0x0040)

For the record, I wouldn't consider this "warning him about the rule breaking":

(08:58 / Allied) parksinhye.: ??
(08:59 / Allied) calorie: ?
(09:00 / Allied) calorie: teal
(09:01 / Allied) calorie: wtf
(09:04 / Allied) calorie: ??

Re: [LTD] []

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:01 pm
by RadiantCrystal
bromorat banned 5 days for AS abuse