[LOD] 13ellona -fountain grieving and saving game.
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:21 am
by Jiminy_Cricket
Replay Link:
https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/6489619/Game Name:[ENT] LoD -sdems6bod2 #78
Your Warcraft III Username: jiminy_cricket
Violator's Warcraft III Username: 13ellona
Violated Rule(s): fountain grieving and saving game.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
(16:55 / All) 13elloNa: i quit
(16:57 / All) 13elloNa: top fed
bellona went to fountain and afked and would come out on occasion. Towards the end of the game we were doing good defending and he sat behind fountain and was done coming out.
(24:45 / All) 13elloNa: hes like 40 years old too LOL
@larz this guy makes fun of my age in every game. Hows that make you feel? Im sick of his flame. flame me every game hes in with me. tired of it.
Re: [LOD] radarjammer; bear; 13ellona; princessgomie; omfgg; racistbastard
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:31 pm
by zehk
Judging by the chat log, neither of passives was in the fifth slot. Then it is not a glitch. Then why was he so tanky? To answer that very question, you need a bit of understanding on dota mechanics. Dispersion is a triggered heal; living armor, borrowed time and refraction are also triggered heals. The way a triggered heal works is it technically heals you right before, as the exact amount of incoming damage. Then the damage is dealt. Let's assume for the argument's sake that you are Lanaya with 600 max hit point. You currently have 400 hit point and you have just casted refraction. What is going to happen if 200 damage nuke is dealt? You will be healed by 200 hit point in advance then the damage will be dealt. So your hit point stays the same. What if 800 damage nuke is dealt? Dota god wants to heal you by 800 hit point but you only have 600 max hit point. So your hit point becomes 600 then 800 damage is dealt. Although you have refraction, you die instantly. You have probably seen LoA dies without his borrowed time being activated due to burst damages such as a critical damage from coup de grace. Same song, different verse. Now back to the point, why does a hero get so tanky if he has both backtrack and dispersion? The hero has dispersion so the 22% of incoming damage is healed in advance then is dealt afterward. But backtrack cancels out the incoming damage by chance right? So when backtrack is procced, you get healed but the damage that is supposed to be dealt afterward gets canceled. So your hp actually increases although you get attacked, again, by chance. That is why a hero with those two passives is so tanky. It is not a glitch.
Re: [LOD] radarjammer; bear; 13ellona; princessgomie; omfgg; racistbastard
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:19 pm
by Jiminy_Cricket
Interesting zehk. Thanks for sharing that info.
Re: [LOD] 13ellona -fountain grieving and saving game.
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:02 pm
by Hatedmaru
After reviewing:
13ellona only went afk around 27 mins (till around 30 minutes) - His afk dind't really had a big impact, game was pretty much over by this point.
13ellona@uswest.battle.net for 4 hours as a warning for saving ingame.
Thanks for reporting