[DOTA] sfdsfadsf@useast and ayayayqaya@useast Intentional Feed / Game Ruining + Refusal to VK
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:35 am
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/6516574/
Game Name: DotA
Your Warcraft III Username: O_G
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sfdsfadsf@useast and ayayayqaya@useast
Violated Rule(s): Intentional Feed, etc.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): See below.
Any further thoughts:
All times are replay times.
Immediately: furion teleports behind enemy lines and runs back and forth, first sign he's trolling our team.
3:42: furion feeds mid a kill - runs directly to tower and after VK starts, he says his "mouse broke." He does it again at about 5:50, and then again before he's finally kicked at around 7:30. First attempts to kick him were refused despite him running directly into enemy towers multiple times. ayayayqaya even unpauses to make sure he gets the kills. This guy actually never voted to kick - even the last one that finally passed.
I believe these two may be friends on new accounts. Could someone please check that?
Game Name: DotA
Your Warcraft III Username: O_G
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sfdsfadsf@useast and ayayayqaya@useast
Violated Rule(s): Intentional Feed, etc.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): See below.
Any further thoughts:
All times are replay times.
Immediately: furion teleports behind enemy lines and runs back and forth, first sign he's trolling our team.
3:42: furion feeds mid a kill - runs directly to tower and after VK starts, he says his "mouse broke." He does it again at about 5:50, and then again before he's finally kicked at around 7:30. First attempts to kick him were refused despite him running directly into enemy towers multiple times. ayayayqaya even unpauses to make sure he gets the kills. This guy actually never voted to kick - even the last one that finally passed.
I believe these two may be friends on new accounts. Could someone please check that?