[viking_shield@east, lyteo23@west, abatoire@asia, metaxa@eu]
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:24 pm
Your Warcraft III username: rehabs@west
Violator's Warcraft III username: my whole team (scourge)
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA apem A-BAL us/ca #41
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): http://clanent.net/openstats/game/1233716/
Rule player violated: I think its cool that ENT accepts new players who are willing to learn even if they're bad (we're all new at sometime) , but when they refuse to listen to you all game long i think it should be dealt with.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): all game long its pretty evident: including constant afks from gyro /items stealings and blatant feeding from bh, poor item choices from sniper and ench, and etc... etc... (way to many specific times to matter youll notice them from minute 1)
Any further thoughts: prepare for a long fucking game, with a pen and paper because they all did something banworthy throughout the game despite my best efforts to give them advice (altho tbh i lost my cool a bit at the end...srry).
P.S. I encourage you to watch the whole replay because dis shit cray
Violator's Warcraft III username: my whole team (scourge)
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA apem A-BAL us/ca #41
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): http://clanent.net/openstats/game/1233716/
Rule player violated: I think its cool that ENT accepts new players who are willing to learn even if they're bad (we're all new at sometime) , but when they refuse to listen to you all game long i think it should be dealt with.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): all game long its pretty evident: including constant afks from gyro /items stealings and blatant feeding from bh, poor item choices from sniper and ench, and etc... etc... (way to many specific times to matter youll notice them from minute 1)
Any further thoughts: prepare for a long fucking game, with a pen and paper because they all did something banworthy throughout the game despite my best efforts to give them advice (altho tbh i lost my cool a bit at the end...srry).
P.S. I encourage you to watch the whole replay because dis shit cray