[DOTA] jozh@useast.battle.net, mr.patrick@useastbattle.net

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[DOTA] jozh@useast.battle.net, mr.patrick@useastbattle.net

Postby CriticalSeasons » Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:14 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 540265.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #43
Your Warcraft III Username: TheComeBackKid
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Jozh, Mr.Patrick
Violated Rule(s): Jozh: Intentionally feeding, not cooperating with the team, farming all game to make divine and intentionally dying in enemy's fountain to give them divine. Also giving gem away.
Mr.Patrick: Not votekicking the feeder and letting it all happen(the last person not to vote on purpose)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (33:01 / Allied) Jozh: Let me show you how bad I suck...
(33:19 / All) Jozh: GEM INCOMING FOR YOU GUYS1!!!!!!!! :)
34:18 / All) TheComeBackKid: hes throwing
(34:20) ShadowFiend killed TheComeBackKid
(34:23 / All) Mr.Patrick: Do you not see our team?
(34:26 / Allied) 45MinOrLess: !yes
(34:26 / All) L.humungus: Player [45MinOrLess] voted to kick player [Jozh]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(34:27 / All) Jozh: Gem at your well :)
(34:38 / All) Jozh: Dont kick me
(34:50 / All) Jozh: Blue runs his mouth. SHove it in his fuckin face.
(35:02 / All) Jozh: I dont play this game enough to give a shit. And Blue is a prime example why.
(35:16 / All) Jozh: I'll buy yall a DR next too.
(35:24 / All) Jozh: Or steal his and gift it.
(35:27 / All) Jozh: Bank on it.
(35:34 / Allied) Jozh: Run that fuckin mouth some more bitch
(36:04 / All) Jozh: Stick together with that gem
(36:13 / All) Jozh: He cant solo anyone and steal gem if you do.
(36:20 / All) Jozh: It fucks his whole game plan
(37:11 / All) Jozh: DOnt kick me and you win.
(37:20 / All) Jozh: Plenty of assholes in DoTA.
(37:24 / All) Jozh: Dont be a nice guy.
(37:58 / Allied) Jozh: Yall really gonna be pissed when I give em a DR.
(38:00 / Allied) Jozh: lmao
(38:04 / Allied) Jozh: Fuck you Axe and Clinkz
(38:28 / Allied) TheComeBackKid: something is wrong with you
(38:34 / Allied) TheComeBackKid: i didnt even say a single word to you all game
(38:35 / Allied) Jozh: Dude I dont care. I barely play this game anymore because of assholes like yall. EVERYONE has quit playin this game.
(38:51 / Allied) Jozh: You voted to kick me. Enough said.
(39:04 / All) Jozh: Stick together?
(39:07 / All) Jozh: Hard to understand?
(39:15 / All) Jozh: Are yoju guys fyucking stupid?
(39:39 / All) Jozh: Blue is solo in your woods.
(39:46 / All) Jozh: ANd you morons dont stick together
(40:05 / Allied) Jozh: Relic bought
(40:08 / Allied) Jozh: Next is Demon Edge\
(40:10 / Allied) Jozh: WOOO
(40:12 / Allied) Jozh: ;)
(43:54 / Allied) Jozh: LMFAO
(44:46 / Allied) Jozh: DR IS DONE
(44:49 / Allied) Jozh: HAHAHAHAHAHA
(45:18 / Allied) Jozh: lmfao
(45:19 / Allied) Jozh: See?
(45:26 / Allied) Jozh: Now they have my DR
(45:27 / Allied) Jozh: :)
(45:28 / Allied) TheComeBackKid: youre getting banned regardless
(45:32 / Allied) TheComeBackKid: orange
(45:35 / Allied) TheComeBackKid: dont even bother
(45:37 / Allied) TheComeBackKid: !ignore jozh
(45:42 / Allied) Jozh: What part of i dont give a fuck dont you get?
(46:04 / Allied) Jozh: I barely play this shitty game.
46:20 / Allied) Jozh: ROFL yellow
(46:24 / Allied) Jozh: Vote against me again bitch boy
(46:31) Jozh killed pighead
(46:51 / All) Jozh: Y'all can destroy now.
(47:23) Jozh killed TheComeBackKid

Any further thoughts: The argument began around the 22nd minute mark between Jozh(Mortred) and L.Humungus(Clinkz) and then got escalated towards the middle of the game. Although Clinkz did argue back and forth against Mortred, Mortred was unnecessarily extending the fight with vulgar insults, and non-stop typing what Clinkz was doing, and where he was in the map through all chat. I didn't even say anything to him nor did I insult him any way, but he showed resentment towards me for no reason(spread the hate I guess) and refused to stop his actions. I votekicked Jozh around the 30-33 minute mark the first time, and tried to do it again since people did not kick him.

Everyone except Mr.Patrick(Techies) kicked Jozh(Mortred) by the 41:46 minute mark, and he refused to kick constantly:
(41:59 / All) TheComeBackKid: sigh
(42:01 / All) TheComeBackKid: please kick
(42:02 / All) Mr.Patrick: STfu kid
(42:02 / All) TheComeBackKid: or you guys will be banned too
(42:04 / All) Mr.Patrick: our team suc
(42:16 / All) Mr.Patrick: COol story


Re: [DOTA] jozh@useast.battle.net, mr.patrick@useastbattle.net

Postby Larz » Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:09 am

At 45 min in Josh feed divine rapier
Banning Josh for seven days for game ruining
Banning Mr.Patrick for 3 days for failure to kick

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