[DOTA] DOTA adamixxboss@europe.battle.net
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:10 am
by GiantGeorge
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 555612.w3g Game Name: Dota apem 75 Your Warcraft III Username: GiantGeorgeViolator's Warcraft III adamixxboss:
Violated Rule(s): adamixxboss asked for share, i gave, then he destroyed my itemsTime of Violation (in-game or replay): around 25th minute
Re: [DOTA] DOTA adamixxboss@europe.battle.net
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:34 am
by LittlePine
Potm, adamixxboss, stayed at fountain from 17:20 - 22:55 dies mid at 23:15. At 23:45 he re-spawns and stays at fountain from 23:45 - Rest of game.
At 25:55 of replay mirana says:
23:20 [Allies] adamixxboss (Mirana): luci share me bro
23:24 GiantGeorge (Lucifer) [3-11] shares control with GiantGeorge (Lucifer) [3-11].
23:28 [Allies] GiantGeorge (Lucifer): start playing
23:33 [Allies] adamixxboss (Mirana): ty
At 26:42 of replay he takes control of luci drops his aga and kills its with luci's hero:
24:03 <adamixxboss> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Doom Bringer], 0x0001C5E500007F57
24:06 <adamixxboss> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -5819.68, Y: -5760.08, Object: 0x00130B510000D6D7, flags: 0x0044)
24:06 0x6B: SyncStoredInteger (dr.x, Data, DRI_1, [Aghanim's Scepter (Lucifer)])
24:07 <adamixxboss> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5792.55, Y: -5756.34, Target: 0x0015DA7B0000E270, flags: 0x0000)
At 26:48 of replay he takes control of luci drops his blademail and kills it aswell.
24:09 <adamixxboss> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -5277.21, Y: -5778.97, Object: 0x0015C38D0000DB1F, flags: 0x0044)
24:10 0x6B: SyncStoredInteger (dr.x, Data, DRI_1, [Blade Mail])
24:10 <adamixxboss> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5198.52, Y: -5744.74, flags: 0x0000)
He unshares control and attempts a votekick.
24:19 GiantGeorge (Lucifer) [3-11] disables control sharing with GiantGeorge (Lucifer) [3-11].
Confirmed. Mirana grieving, teamkilling items, and afk at base for half of the game.
Re: [DOTA] DOTA adamixxboss@europe.battle.net
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:44 am
by KinG23
Well done!
@LittlePineadamixxboss@europe banned 10 days for excessive game ruining (committed the same exact offenses as shown below). This is not appealable.