[DOTA] EKCTA3a@useast.battlenet

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[DOTA] EKCTA3a@useast.battlenet

Postby CriticalSeasons » Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:45 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 582706.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #9
Your Warcraft III Username: ColdPhantomRain@useast.battlenet
Violator's Warcraft III Username: EKCTA3a
Violated Rule(s): Afking, feeding, afking, move around buy items, afk again(throwing)
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
(16:04 / Allied) kennywang: viper afk
(16:04 / Allied) kennywang: -afk
(16:10 / All) EKCTA3a: im here
(16:13 / Allied) EKCTA3a: making money]
(16:17 / Allied) hoya: good push
(16:27 / Allied) kennywang: what u going for?
(16:34 / Allied) EKCTA3a: 250 $
(16:34 / Allied) ColdPhantomRain: hes going for rad
(16:35 / Allied) SupNerd: bfury
(16:36 / Allied) ColdPhantomRain: probably
(16:36 / Allied) SupNerd: little late
(16:36 / Allied) EKCTA3a: yesterday
(16:38 / All) hoya: Player [X_RD]'s forfeit vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(16:40 / Allied) EKCTA3a: for now losing today
(16:43 / Allied) EKCTA3a: football
(16:48 / Allied) kennywang: baby bet
(16:58 / Allied) kennywang: lost 4000 last night :'(
(16:59 / Allied) EKCTA3a: baby bet?
(17:07 / Allied) EKCTA3a: ofcourse
Any further thoughts:
The game lasted over 38 minutes, and throughout the game this was all he typed and then went afk back and forth. He was the lowest level player in the entire game. There are other players to mention in terms of the votekick, since they did not kick until it was too late to kick. They only decided to votekick when they were conveniently fed/farmed: Hoya, debuttime, bratpig, and supnerd.
18:18 / All) hoya: Player [X_RD] voted to kick player [EKCTA3a]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(18:20 / Allied) hoya: me b
(18:21 / Allied) hoya: -afk
(18:23 / All) ColdPhantomRain: kick the afk
(18:23 / Allied) SupNerd: -afk
(18:24 / Allied) X_RD: kick
(18:25 / Allied) X_RD: afk
(18:26 / Allied) SupNerd: !yes
(18:26 / All) hoya: Player [SupNerd] voted to kick player [EKCTA3a]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(18:30 / Allied) kennywang: !yes
(18:30 / All) hoya: Player [kennywang] voted to kick player [EKCTA3a]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(18:33 / All) EKCTA3a: ?
(18:33 / Allied) debuttime: !yes
(18:33 / All) hoya: Player [debuttime] voted to kick player [EKCTA3a]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(18:41 / All) kennywang: hes throwing
(18:42 / All) ColdPhantomRain: ............
(18:58 / All) hoya: A votekick against player [EKCTA3a] has expired.

Hoya useast.battlenet and bratpig asia.battlenet did not kick all throughout the game.
debuttime@uswest.battlenet and supnerd@useast.battlenet did not kick until they were fed/farmed and it was too late by then for them to kick,


Re: [DOTA] EKCTA3a@useast.battlenet

Postby Larz » Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:54 pm

from 14.50 to 19:04 viper goes afk
afk again from 24 to 26
afk again from 23-36 and refuses to defend top rax
Banning EKCTA3a 7 days for excesive afk and refusing to defend
For 2 days for failing to kick

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