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[CF] da_ishla sylekisana yeticooler saber-alter mornson

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:57 am
Replay Link: ... 655593.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Castle Fight! #4
Your Warcraft III Username: recuk
Violator's Warcraft III Username: da_ishla sylekisana yeticooler saber-alter mornson
Violated Rule(s): gamruin refusal to vk
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): end of round 2 it started and all of round 3 (15mins in chat timer round 2 and 16-17 mins started round 3)
Any further thoughts: Blue trolled game he did not rs i had to rs for him, he tried throwing game by not building for long periods then when he did he cancels all troops from the barracks, made no attempt to help just ruin the game all other players were made aware of this several times and could see what was happening yet they would not vk

Re: [CF] da_ishla sylekisana yeticooler saber-alter mornson

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:21 pm
by harper
This is a classic case of someone trying to just remove a bad player for that reason only. How are they to be made aware of anything they do not have maphack. They can't votekick on Heresay basis. He was building he was playing. I've seen this sort of action before, people make up reasons to remove poor players and lie about things. Perhaps if you don't flame people, or even try to help with a good attitude , then they'll make what you want. i'm sure that's all this boils down to. someone made something you didn't want them to. Either way, trying to remove a bad player is construded as abuse of votekick.

Re: [CF] da_ishla sylekisana yeticooler saber-alter mornson

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:18 pm
And this is Classic excuses , its clear from both game chat and game replay sadly your lame excuse wont be enough Enjoy your ban

Re: [CF] da_ishla sylekisana yeticooler saber-alter mornson

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:24 am
by HazarDous
Banned 4 days for deactivating.

Was hard to see whether blue was throwing during the last votekick.

When you specified he cancelled his mine, the votekick was over and there was no new one. So I won't ban for refusal to votekick.

Thanks for reporting anyway!
