Knight-Delta@entconnect Bug abuse
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:53 pm
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sdems6bod2 #91
Your Warcraft III Username: Knight-Delta@entconnect
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Knight-Delta@entconnect rofl
Violated Rule(s): BUG ABUSE!!
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): around last 5 minutes I turned invul so i went to become a sociopathic cold-blooded brutal ruthless unforgiving destructive vicious villainous malicious revolting harmful beastly repulsive depraved no good wicked foul vile atrocious baneful flagitious execrable iniquitous loathsome maleficent malignant unpleasant corrupt heinous repugnant unpropitious wrathful psychotic damaging dangerous deleterious detrimental injurious mischievous noxious prejudicial inimical contagious infections pestiferous sinister nasty fatal lethal ruinous dark unsavory unrighteous demonic cruel degenerate unholy Mephistophelian pestilent damnable perfidious pathological immoral insidious deleterious unpropitious obnoxious odious atrocious frightful grim gruesome horrific lurid monstrous nightmarish uncivilized disturbing Serial Killer.
Any further thoughts: damn I'm going crazy
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sdems6bod2 #91
Your Warcraft III Username: Knight-Delta@entconnect
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Knight-Delta@entconnect rofl
Violated Rule(s): BUG ABUSE!!
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): around last 5 minutes I turned invul so i went to become a sociopathic cold-blooded brutal ruthless unforgiving destructive vicious villainous malicious revolting harmful beastly repulsive depraved no good wicked foul vile atrocious baneful flagitious execrable iniquitous loathsome maleficent malignant unpleasant corrupt heinous repugnant unpropitious wrathful psychotic damaging dangerous deleterious detrimental injurious mischievous noxious prejudicial inimical contagious infections pestiferous sinister nasty fatal lethal ruinous dark unsavory unrighteous demonic cruel degenerate unholy Mephistophelian pestilent damnable perfidious pathological immoral insidious deleterious unpropitious obnoxious odious atrocious frightful grim gruesome horrific lurid monstrous nightmarish uncivilized disturbing Serial Killer.
Any further thoughts: damn I'm going crazy