[ID] Multiple Players
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:16 am
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=6766484
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #5
Your Warcraft III Username: peterbob@useast.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Multiple Players (6?)
Violated Rule(s): Votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): To be safe, 19 minutes into the game. But about 30 seconds before I was votekicked at 20:20.
Any further thoughts:
I WAS attacking a player's building, though it was harmless like a bug to a wind shield.
All I was doing was practicing my orb walking.
(ORB WALKING EXAMPLE: A swordsman is chasing u, an archer. Orbwalking is to shoot. then run, then shoot, then run, and so on to avoid melee conflict or any form of walking inbetween attacks)
Sure, I was decreasing the HP of their BACK ROW towers, though I wasn't destroying them. Those type of towers regenerate without any action, without siphoning a player(s) resources.
Though their health points were decreasing, the enemy didn't have the slightest chance of coming into range of finishing off the injured towers. Knowing this, I chose to practice on the BACK ROW towers, while I awaited for my teleport escape skill to go off cooldown.
I didn't do anything to jeopardize the win, they simply snapped and didn't even give me any time to explain myself. From their first warning to the moment the votekick began I perhaps had 5 seconds to react, though I thought they were joking. Then before I knew it, maybe in another 5 seconds, I was kicked.
I understand if you won't ban them due to the fact that my actions were... unsightly?.. again, as a bug is on a windshield, EVEN THOUGH they were just as HARMLESS as such. But please, at least inform them that I didn't have any intent to ruin our chances of victory. If this happens to take the form of the ban, I will 100% support it.
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #5
Your Warcraft III Username: peterbob@useast.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Multiple Players (6?)
Violated Rule(s): Votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): To be safe, 19 minutes into the game. But about 30 seconds before I was votekicked at 20:20.
Any further thoughts:
I WAS attacking a player's building, though it was harmless like a bug to a wind shield.
All I was doing was practicing my orb walking.
(ORB WALKING EXAMPLE: A swordsman is chasing u, an archer. Orbwalking is to shoot. then run, then shoot, then run, and so on to avoid melee conflict or any form of walking inbetween attacks)
Sure, I was decreasing the HP of their BACK ROW towers, though I wasn't destroying them. Those type of towers regenerate without any action, without siphoning a player(s) resources.
Though their health points were decreasing, the enemy didn't have the slightest chance of coming into range of finishing off the injured towers. Knowing this, I chose to practice on the BACK ROW towers, while I awaited for my teleport escape skill to go off cooldown.
I didn't do anything to jeopardize the win, they simply snapped and didn't even give me any time to explain myself. From their first warning to the moment the votekick began I perhaps had 5 seconds to react, though I thought they were joking. Then before I knew it, maybe in another 5 seconds, I was kicked.
I understand if you won't ban them due to the fact that my actions were... unsightly?.. again, as a bug is on a windshield, EVEN THOUGH they were just as HARMLESS as such. But please, at least inform them that I didn't have any intent to ruin our chances of victory. If this happens to take the form of the ban, I will 100% support it.