Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:23 pm
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 804536.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega euro #96
Your Warcraft III Username: Vrael7
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Kappabob
Violated Rule(s): saving game
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 15:05
Any further thoughts: luckily nobody got dropped, i tried to explain why it is forbidden to save the game but he just got mad
(15:05 / All) Kappabob: Player [Kappabob] is saving the game.
(15:05 / Saving game ?) Kappabob: Save game.
(15:39 / All) Vrael7: its forbidden
(15:45 / All) Vrael7: and there is no need to do it anyway
(15:52 / All) Vrael7: why would you do that?
(16:02 / All) Kappabob: got my reasons
(16:17 / All) Vrael7: well, i got my reasons to get you banned then
(16:34 / All) Kappabob: go ahead then faggot.
(16:37 / All) Vrael7: there is a high chance of people getting dropped + waste of time
(17:09 / All) Kappabob: Im sorry for taking 5 seconds outtta your worthless life
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega euro #96
Your Warcraft III Username: Vrael7
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Kappabob
Violated Rule(s): saving game
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 15:05
Any further thoughts: luckily nobody got dropped, i tried to explain why it is forbidden to save the game but he just got mad
(15:05 / All) Kappabob: Player [Kappabob] is saving the game.
(15:05 / Saving game ?) Kappabob: Save game.
(15:39 / All) Vrael7: its forbidden
(15:45 / All) Vrael7: and there is no need to do it anyway
(15:52 / All) Vrael7: why would you do that?
(16:02 / All) Kappabob: got my reasons
(16:17 / All) Vrael7: well, i got my reasons to get you banned then
(16:34 / All) Kappabob: go ahead then faggot.
(16:37 / All) Vrael7: there is a high chance of people getting dropped + waste of time
(17:09 / All) Kappabob: Im sorry for taking 5 seconds outtta your worthless life