[LTD] 4 people for ban.
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:15 am
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=6902074
Game Name: Legion TD
Your Warcraft III Username: runescape1999
Violator's Warcraft III Username: lowesteloever@europe.battle.net(game ruin) DubsOneG@useast.battle.net(solo send) Weedle@uswest.batte.net(refusal to kick game ruiner) Filth@useast.battle.net (refusal to kick game ruiner)
Violated Rule(s): TK purposely losing solo sending all rounds, illegal vote kick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): whole game. builds full mines despite being told not to
Any further thoughts: trying to purposely lose game to get lowest elo ever which matches his name. obvious lame troll game ruiner
I ran into many people who purposely wanna lose games, I still don't understand it, we played to round 31, which is 1 hour and 15 minutes of constant leaks and pressure.. Ive taken a look at his previous games, he does the same shit, trolls and provokes a forfeit vote to lose elo
please fix this community I have quit more than enough games due to the community being scum. I really like this game and don't wanna quit.
Game Name: Legion TD
Your Warcraft III Username: runescape1999
Violator's Warcraft III Username: lowesteloever@europe.battle.net(game ruin) DubsOneG@useast.battle.net(solo send) Weedle@uswest.batte.net(refusal to kick game ruiner) Filth@useast.battle.net (refusal to kick game ruiner)
Violated Rule(s): TK purposely losing solo sending all rounds, illegal vote kick
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): whole game. builds full mines despite being told not to
Any further thoughts: trying to purposely lose game to get lowest elo ever which matches his name. obvious lame troll game ruiner
I ran into many people who purposely wanna lose games, I still don't understand it, we played to round 31, which is 1 hour and 15 minutes of constant leaks and pressure.. Ive taken a look at his previous games, he does the same shit, trolls and provokes a forfeit vote to lose elo
please fix this community I have quit more than enough games due to the community being scum. I really like this game and don't wanna quit.