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item destruction or game ruining

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:35 pm
Your Warcraft III username:werbaer@europe
Violator's Warcraft III username:spartiate@europe;;;
Game name or map name:[ENT] DotA apem euro #51
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page):
Rule player violated:item destruction or game ruining
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): ... 291647.w3g
22:50 in game pa drops most of its items and destroys it
Any further thoughts:
Well sure thing is that pa dropped most its items and destroyed it; Problem is that he/she shared control for courier and claimed that one of his teammates controlled him in this moments, i cant say if it was him or one of his mates so if theirs a possibility to check who controlled pa in that moment it would be very good :)

Re: item destruction or game ruining

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:58 pm
by NutzSucksHard

Code: Select all

 20:26 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Phantom Assassin], 0x0001385900005ABB
 20:34 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -5587.79, Y: -4686.69, Object: 0x0010609A0000BEC1, flags: 0x0044)
 20:35 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5587.38, Y: -4678.86, Target: 0x00108FF80000BC33, flags: 0x0000)
 20:37 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -5641.36, Y: -4741.84, Object: 0x000F21F600009385, flags: 0x0044)
 20:37 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5650.00, Y: -4711.46, Target: 0x001096FB0000BE95, flags: 0x0000)
 20:38 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -5592.27, Y: -4746.34, Object: 0x000A8C3C0000A9EE, flags: 0x0044)
 20:38 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5586.64, Y: -4717.59, Target: 0x00109B1C0000B019, flags: 0x0000)
 20:39 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5581.91, Y: -4756.79, Target: 0x00109B1C0000B019, flags: 0x0000)
 20:41 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -5555.55, Y: -4728.25, Object: 0x00109E310000A4CE, flags: 0x0044)
 20:42 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5570.63, Y: -4703.76, Target: 0x0010A3AE0000BD76, flags: 0x0000)
 20:42 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5563.86, Y: -4683.56, Target: 0x0010A3AE0000BD76, flags: 0x0000)
 20:44 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: -5593.43, Y: -4768.63, Object: 0x000B345100009E98, flags: 0x0044)
 20:44 <Hunt_On_Noobs> 0x12: Target order: attack (X: -5588.26, Y: -4722.16, flags: 0x0000)

Hunt_On_Noobs is the guilty. No PA.

User is banned for 'Two Weeks'. Reason : 'Item Destroying'

Don't accept an appeal, he made it in pass on cash too.

Thanks for reporting. Moving to process.