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[DOTA] barambo - ruin the game on purpose

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:37 pm
by VVR46
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #5
Your Warcraft III Username: vr46
Violator's Warcraft III Username: barambo, gt_chaos_return
Violated Rule(s): ruin the game on purpose
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): barambo ruin game the whole time. avoided team help and admitted to throwing 55:42. gt_chaos_return was also ruining the game.
Any further thoughts: Both players should be banned because both is ruining the game.

Re: [DOTA] barambo - ruin the game on purpose

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:53 pm
by KinG23
Add timestamps. Admitting to throwing in chat is not evidence. People say they "throw" all the time and in fact did nothing wrong.

Re: [DOTA] barambo - ruin the game on purpose

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:54 am
by garcimore

11death in the first 20minutes of the game. The first 3 doesnt look intentionnal , rest yes.
(6:39 [Allies] gt_chaos_return (Lich): i love feeding)
To not mention all the flaming.
14:47 gt_chaos_return (Lich) [1-9] was been killed by Barambo (Tiny) [4-0].( run all the way from base to enemy base intentionnal feeding.)
30:10 [All] gt_chaos_return (Lich): i accidentally destroyed rikis sange (Take sange on the ground, moves 500aoe drop and destroy)

Barambo: Not voting the feeder out.( only reason i would see)
Plays well, pushings lanes, rax, tp to defend base.


Re: [DOTA] barambo - ruin the game on purpose

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:38 am
by BeerLord
Thanks for review garci.
Jesus what an abomination.
Gt_chaos_return intentionally feeds, flames, initiates illegal votekick, and destroy ally sange at 32:20. All the while talking in chat about ruining the game.
Multiple votekicks initiated: bitwai never voted, demonism never voted, morebeereh never voted, and kal]el voted once early, and then thought it was funny to type !no at subsequent attempts.
I agree with garci, I saw no evidence of game ruin by barambo despite the chat that occured, and he did vote to kick lich.
Banning bitwai, demonism,kal]el, and morebeereh for failing to kick ruiner for 2 days each. Come on guys.
Banning gt_chaos_return for 30 days for one of freaking everything.

Re: [DOTA] barambo - ruin the game on purpose

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:00 am
by HazarDous