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[BS] [ENT] Battleships Pro 5v5 #30 ban request

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:43 am
by tyzzy
Replay Link: ... 252845.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Battleships Pro 5v5 #30 ban request
Your Warcraft III Username: tyzzzy
Violator's Warcraft III Username: brianboitano, M.F
Violated Rule(s): they both refused to kick our afk even after I explained to them that this would get them banned
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): (04:13 / Allied) tyzzy: we got 2 afk
(04:15 / All) tyzzy: kick plz
(04:40 / All) brianboitano: no i wont
(05:14 / All) tyzzy: good this way you said it
(05:23 / All) tyzzy: so the admin can also read it
(05:31 / All) brianboitano: i'm not required to kick anybody
(05:39 / All) tyzzy: lol read the rules
(05:45 / All) brianboitano: i have
(05:54 / Allied) M.F: ????
(13:42 / Allied) tyzzy: !votekick 74
(13:42 / All) MucSail: A votekick against player [7418520] has been started by player [tyzzy]. 3 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(13:42 / All) MucSail: Type !yes to vote.
(13:42 / All) MucSail: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(13:45 / Allied) AFG_UNIT: !yes
(13:45 / All) MucSail: Player [AFG_UNIT] voted to kick player [7418520]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(14:29 / Allied) M.F: ????
(14:35 / Allied) tyzzy: gj
(14:36 / Allied) brianboitano: this games done
(14:37 / Allied) brianboitano: gg
(14:39 / Allied) M.F: idiot
(14:42 / Allied) MucSail: ty
(14:42 / All) MucSail: A votekick against player [7418520] has expired.
(14:43 / All) MucSail: ANNOUNCEMENT: Tip: Type !bs to check your Battleships player statistics. Type !votestart to vote to start the game.
(14:46 / Allied) brianboitano: k mr 0 kills
Any further thoughts: its obvious these guys have no respect for the rules F.M for a fact he always ignores the votekick he never votes also brianboitano after 14 min still refueses to kick and leaves the game leaving his items

Re: [BS] [ENT] Battleships Pro 5v5 #30 ban request

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:21 am
by Jabba41

Code: Select all

 19:43 <7418520> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Sailor], 0x000041EF000041EF

-> First action of the AFK player

marcuzgwapito38 banned 2 days for refusal to kick
brianboitano banned 2 days for refusal to kick
M.F banned 3 days for refusal to kcik (2nd offense)
7418520 banned 3 days for AFK at start