[DOTA] sit-the-fukdown useast.battle.net, lay-the-fukdown useast.battle.net, donald_trump uswest.battle.net

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[DOTA] sit-the-fukdown useast.battle.net, lay-the-fukdown useast.battle.net, donald_trump uswest.battle.net

Postby evanjack10 » Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:47 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 283209.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #19
Your Warcraft III Username: smellynuts
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sit-the-fukdown, lay-the-fukdown, donald_trump
Violated Rule(s): flaming, game ruin
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Tink from beginning started with the flaming, very excessive as well as Drow throughout game. Cent would pause game repeatedly just to flame along with those others mentioned.
Any further thoughts: The constant insults and pausing ruined the gaming experience until they had to be ignored.

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Re: [DOTA] sit-the-fukdown useast.battle.net, lay-the-fukdown useast.battle.net, donald_trump uswest.battle.net

Postby getstomped » Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:00 pm

.... First of all you egged them on.

(04:49 / All) Smellynuts: we are?
(04:49 / All) Smellynuts: we are?
(04:49 / All) Smellynuts: we are?
(04:49 / All) Smellynuts: we are?
(04:49 / All) Smellynuts: keep flaming

You spammed this over and over.... then

(05:47 / All) Smellynuts: lmao
(06:34 / All) Smellynuts: lmao
(08:08 / All) Smellynuts: lmao

More spam and egging on from you...

(11:21 / All) Smellynuts: raped
(11:27 / All) Donald_Trump: did you do anything brown
(11:30 / All) Smellynuts: raped
(11:32 / All) Donald_Trump: didnt see your name there
(11:35 / All) Smellynuts: raped

(17:41 / All) Smellynuts: still have towre
(17:44 / All) Smellynuts: lmao
(17:50 / All) Smellynuts: hows your lanes

Don't report them for flame when you're clearly egging them on.

Took you 35 minutes to do this?

(35:38 / Allied) Smellynuts: !ignore lay
(35:41 / Allied) Smellynuts: !ignore sit

(22:15 / All) Donald_Trump: Player [Sit-the-fukdown] is saving the game.
(22:15 / Saving game ?) Sit-the-fukdown: Save game.

warning issued for saving in game. Use the ignore function considering they were on the opposite team. Also if you're sensitive to flame, it's best not to feed the trolls and egg them on....

Your = Belonging (ex. Your hat, your hero)
You're = You are (ex. You're banned)

There = Location (ex. Get there fast)
Their = Belonging (ex. Their hero, their item)
They're = They are (ex. They're not helping, They're banned)

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