[DOTA] miaomiao us west
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:39 pm
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 372077.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #85
Your Warcraft III Username: imliuwhoru
Violator's Warcraft III Username: miaomiao
Violated Rule(s): Refusing teamplay. Game ruining
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Refuses to push and farms jungle multiple occasions instead of raxing
(35:59 / Allied) MiaoMiao: whos pushign?
(36:05 / Allied) MiaoMiao: exactly
(39:20 / All) MiaoMiao: !ff
(39:20 / All) Frontlin3: [MiaoMiao] has voted to forfeit.
(39:20 / All) Frontlin3: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
Doesnt defend while we get raxed
(42:28 / Allied) GoToSleep: farm on brown
(42:49 / Allied) GoToSleep: refusing to push and defend
(42:54 / Allied) GoToSleep: very easy for admins ty ty
(42:59 / Allied) MiaoMiao: gj dg
(43:04 / Allied) sitdown: top
(43:05 / Allied) MiaoMiao: shop on
(43:08 / Allied) sitdown: won't throne in time
(43:11 / Allied) sitdown: they are alive
(43:13 / Allied) GoToSleep: that you're motto ?
(43:14 / Allied) MiaoMiao: u guys obvuiously pros
(44:56 / Allied) MiaoMiao: farm on
(44:57 / All) MistyMountain: brown
(44:59 / Allied) imliuwhoru: help me tank mid
(45:01 / All) MistyMountain: hurry
(45:05 / All) MiaoMiao: no
(45:12 / All) MiaoMiao: we dont deserve to win
(46:30 / Allied) GoToSleep: him n brown are throwing maybe xD
(46:30 / All) MiaoMiao: ur base
(46:32 / Allied) imliuwhoru: i cant buy back
(46:41 / Allied) MiaoMiao: but ur the pro
(46:45 / Allied) MiaoMiao: u dont need me
(46:50 / Allied) imliuwhoru: you're getting banned for a week
(48:14 / Allied) MiaoMiao: nigga lvl 15 in 45 min and says im throwing
(48:15 / Allied) MiaoMiao: lmao
(48:23 / Allied) MiaoMiao: keep farming noob
(48:42 / All) MiaoMiao: drow and dg so quiet now
He literally made us lose
(55:58 / All) MiaoMiao: gjgj
(56:08 / All) MistyMountain: G|g
(56:09 / All) MiaoMiao: gj sents
Any further thoughts: This isn't the first time i've played with him where he intentionally throws games. He purposely didnt push or defend while he farmed neuts and allowed the other team to win.
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #85
Your Warcraft III Username: imliuwhoru
Violator's Warcraft III Username: miaomiao
Violated Rule(s): Refusing teamplay. Game ruining
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Refuses to push and farms jungle multiple occasions instead of raxing
(35:59 / Allied) MiaoMiao: whos pushign?
(36:05 / Allied) MiaoMiao: exactly
(39:20 / All) MiaoMiao: !ff
(39:20 / All) Frontlin3: [MiaoMiao] has voted to forfeit.
(39:20 / All) Frontlin3: 1/5 players on the Scourge/East have voted to forfeit (4/5 needed to pass).
Doesnt defend while we get raxed
(42:28 / Allied) GoToSleep: farm on brown
(42:49 / Allied) GoToSleep: refusing to push and defend
(42:54 / Allied) GoToSleep: very easy for admins ty ty
(42:59 / Allied) MiaoMiao: gj dg
(43:04 / Allied) sitdown: top
(43:05 / Allied) MiaoMiao: shop on
(43:08 / Allied) sitdown: won't throne in time
(43:11 / Allied) sitdown: they are alive
(43:13 / Allied) GoToSleep: that you're motto ?
(43:14 / Allied) MiaoMiao: u guys obvuiously pros
(44:56 / Allied) MiaoMiao: farm on
(44:57 / All) MistyMountain: brown
(44:59 / Allied) imliuwhoru: help me tank mid
(45:01 / All) MistyMountain: hurry
(45:05 / All) MiaoMiao: no
(45:12 / All) MiaoMiao: we dont deserve to win
(46:30 / Allied) GoToSleep: him n brown are throwing maybe xD
(46:30 / All) MiaoMiao: ur base
(46:32 / Allied) imliuwhoru: i cant buy back
(46:41 / Allied) MiaoMiao: but ur the pro
(46:45 / Allied) MiaoMiao: u dont need me
(46:50 / Allied) imliuwhoru: you're getting banned for a week
(48:14 / Allied) MiaoMiao: nigga lvl 15 in 45 min and says im throwing
(48:15 / Allied) MiaoMiao: lmao
(48:23 / Allied) MiaoMiao: keep farming noob
(48:42 / All) MiaoMiao: drow and dg so quiet now
He literally made us lose
(55:58 / All) MiaoMiao: gjgj
(56:08 / All) MistyMountain: G|g
(56:09 / All) MiaoMiao: gj sents
Any further thoughts: This isn't the first time i've played with him where he intentionally throws games. He purposely didnt push or defend while he farmed neuts and allowed the other team to win.