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[ID] xardas105

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:27 pm
by ShadowWeaver
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #52
Your Warcraft III Username: ShadowWeaver
Violator's Warcraft III Username: xardas105
Violated Rule(s): Intentional feeding
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 24:00 island defense time
Any further thoughts:

Really stubborn, i get he's new but part of being new is learning from others, something he refused to do and so he faced consequences of det feed and so he intentionally fed titan. at mound.

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:02 pm
by road-kill
Next time tell Titan don't feed on noobs, @charlie410 will respect that. Let new people play, and teach them too. Id community is low, but vote kicking abuse two people won't help.

@av1on will judge this

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:47 pm
by ShadowWeaver
i respect that, however, when people refuse to learn i.e. they don't care what anyone have to say, thy need to be kicked so all the other people in game don't get annoyed.

Theres a fine line between arrogant game-ruining and learning.

Part of learning is being taught.

and road-kill still not off that 1 year ban? @av1on just unban the dude.

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:15 pm
by road-kill
I'm unban long time ago, :o

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:01 pm
by Hash
road-kill wrote:Let new people play, and teach them too. Id community is low, but vote kicking abuse two people won't help.

lol says that guy who vote kick abused 2 new players in 2 different games without even trying to teach them first ... +x#p331368

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:01 pm
by road-kill
Learn from mistakes

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:24 pm
by Sethy
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #52
Your Warcraft III Username: Seth
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ShadowWeaver@east
Violated Rule(s): VK abuse / team kill
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 12:00 / 23:00
(12:01 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: det that trolll
(12:02 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: or we kick
(12:07 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: it won't hold and will only feed
(12:26 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: !votekick xardas105
(12:26 / All) Charles410: A votekick against player [xardas105] has been started by player [ShadowWeaver]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.

(22:05 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: i'm detting this
(22:10 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: it won't hold and will feed

(23:06 / All) xardas105: wow this satyr
(23:11 / All) xardas105: is killing base


(13:46 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: det base
(13:47 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: or i det
(13:49 / All) Pen_is: NOOOOO
(13:58 / Allied) jeb021123: does anyone want to base
(13:59 / Allied) xardas105: why not help me fix walls?
(14:01 / Allied) xardas105: instead
(14:06 / Allied) ShadowWeaver: no time

Threatens to tk, doesn't help new player.
Tks him eventually......

I wonder whos breaking the rules here?

I'm only posting on this ban request because you submit them so frequently over the smallest things when you fail to realize maybe they're breaking rules because your toxic behavior is spiting them.

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:49 pm
by ShadowWeaver
if you read through the whole game, we told him clearly.

TK and detting feed two different things.

theres a difference between trolling and learning.

I spend a lot of time (being a noobs myself) showing people how to make det bases (even though mine are not good), how to wall euro, etc... and they are happy to comply. I nicely point out if they're missing a wall etc... but when you get people like this that choose to ignore you, it just ruins the game. LIke i like to play a game and not have to quit, i don't care if the titans slightly fed by new people. But when people blatently spite other people, it grinds my gears - so i took to the reporting.

If someone knows their base won't hold (like dead obv not even a chance) then thats classed as feed, and other player's are allowed to det feed (not tk) 'eam killing (denying feed acceptable).'

HOWEVER I WILL ADMIT, i have become very toxic, and this will be something i will stop in future. I won't report again, I will keep quiet, if it gets to a point where i don't feel like playing i.e. its ng (hopefully thats not against the rules).

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:50 pm
by ShadowWeaver
this one two,

Re: [ID] xardas105

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:52 am
by Hatedmaru
@ShadowWeaver I'm assuming you wanted us to decline this ban request (as you stated in the other one) - If thats not the case, then PM me and ill-reopen it. Thanks
