[DOTA] badassbg@europe.battle.net yondaichu@europe.battle.net Battle.nerd@useast.battle.net Transhumanism@useast

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[DOTA] badassbg@europe.battle.net yondaichu@europe.battle.net Battle.nerd@useast.battle.net Transhumanism@useast

Postby sunchoi522 » Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:18 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 460403.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #70
Your Warcraft III Username: qsc522
Violator's Warcraft III Username: BadAssBG@europe.battle.net yondaichu@europe.battle.net Battle.nerd@useast.battle.net Transhumanism@useast.battle.net

Violated Rule(s): BadAssBG@europe.battle.net-fountain griefed and fed yondaichu@europe.battle.net / Battle.nerd@useast.battle.net / Transhumanism@useast.battle.net- refused to votekick the feeder/griefer

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): badassbg fed through out the game (replay timer)- 1st death at 5min, 2nd 6:50, 3rd 8:10, 4th 12:30 5th 14:23 6th 17:25 7th 22:38 8th 23:37 9th 26:47 10th 29:03 11th 30:32 12th 34:05 was warned of charge, he did nothing and died at 34:20 13th 35:37 told to B (back) and he ignores and dies at 35:42 14th 36:40-40:30 (finally afk kicked)
Fountain greifing from 30:30-33:30 (only stopped b/c we were votekicking him) 37:40

yondaichu / Battle.nerd / Transhumanism- all refused to votekick feeder/griefer from 30:30 till 37:40 (multiple attempts were tried)

Any further thoughts: these 4 accounts should be banned for as long as possible via the rules.
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Re: [DOTA] badassbg@europe.battle.net yondaichu@europe.battle.net Battle.nerd@useast.battle.net Transhumanism@us

Postby BeerLord » Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:07 am

badassbg banned 5 days for afk/grief and game ruin.
yondaichu, transhumanism, and battle.nerd banned 2 days for failure to votekick game ruiner.

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