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[DOTA] left4right

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:07 pm
by evanjack10
Replay Link: ... 539906.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #38
Your Warcraft III Username: SmellyNuts
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Left4Right, TheBigHit , Gubernator, PENlS, GoodBye.Hou.Zi, ZZtop
Violated Rule(s): game ruin, votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
-in game farmed from beginning to 16 min in game, first votekick started and refusal to defend was explained in all chat because i was standing right next to him while i was attacked and he continued to farm, i was called a clown for asking for help by him.
-17min bot towers were pushed and he ignored call for help and continued to farm his same spot.
-18minVotekick started again at because he continued to farm.
-21min his reason for farming was "no one wanted to tank"
-24min Votekick started because he is still farming and not with team
-26:52min TheBigHit tels team not to vote
-27min fight at bot river with both teams, he farms while scourge all died, another votekick started
-28min stops farming neutrals and farms lane one creep wave at a time before going back to base
-30min entire team dies mid and he still farming our jungle and lost two raxs one mid one bot
-33min lost another rax mid and no defense, next votekick started, purple states in all chat "i want the ban"
-34min farms lane top and bot rax gets pushed
-37min farms same neutral spot because top lane gets pushed

Any further thoughts: Farmed entire game! Not an exaggeration. Never in team battles, never defended a tower, refused to help when a teammate was near by and when team pleaded for help. Players that have no respect for other people to this extent, need a harsh ban. Sentinel players were explained why for the kick, and once they found the spot he was continually farming, they fed off him. They knew and acknowledged he was refusing to help because in their team chat they conspired not to kick. 4 votekicks were started, oj and yellow did vote yes once, but stopped after teammates told them not to. ENT doesnt need players like this.

Note: Hes also a leaver and has a current ban. He joined our game before his ban was applied. He knew he was going to be banned and ruined our game, IMO.

Re: [DOTA] left4right

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:20 am
by BeerLord
Left4Right indeed farmed constantly and wouldnt help in team fights or to defend rax. He is banned 5 days. Im not going to ban for failure to votekick. You all were fighting with each other all game, and most of you had most of you on ignore, so how could anybody really communicate? The first vk attempts werent really warranted, and this I think numbed everybody to the subsequent ones, plus could have made them reluctant to take you at your word.