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[DOTA] foehammer@useast

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:49 am
by staalseminstaal
Replay Link: ... 609017.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA arem us/ca #32
Your Warcraft III Username: WeirdAlGankovic
Violator's Warcraft III Username: FoeHammer
Violated Rule(s): refusal to help. ignored all team. feeding. game ruin. thrower.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 38:50, 42:15, i had time stamps earlier but didnt record them. i believe around 20,25 and 33 mins as well.
Any further thoughts: this CM spent the entire game away from the team. he fed early, ended up going 1-12-7 in a 53 minute game where our team had 35 kills. He ignored the entire team relatively quick into this game, thus not taking any advice, and refused to help defend our base or help in team fights. In fact, the only time he would engage team fights would be after our entire team had did, and then dive in after, alone, just to feed himself. This is most clear at the end of the game.

Multiple votekicks were performed, including pausing the game explaining to the other team (who were clearly aware of what was going on as they flocked to him all game) why the vote was happening. Players on scourge were refusing to vote, most notably pudge (player name boshwick) and medusa (ydale(u)).

NB: This is my second submission in the last few hours for the exact same reason to different players. I never usually post but I'm rather fed up with this kind of childish nonsense.

Re: [DOTA] foehammer@useast

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:02 am
by KinG23
I was in this game. FoeHammer also ignored the whole team. 42:15 is a notable occurrence where he sat and watched as we lost the rax. This player contributed nothing all game, and clearly refused to help and threw. All game went off alone and did not participate with team battles.

Re: [DOTA] foehammer@useast

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:22 am
by BeerLord
Well I watched the game and have to agree. Going 1-12 isnt necessarily game ruining. But going 1-12 and putting your team on ignore is. Failure to cooperate with allies is considered game ruining. How can one cooperate if one cant communicate? Rylai picked fights with his allies with silly trash talk, then put everyone on ignore. That's the computer nerd version of running away. Jesus, if ur gonna start a fight at least stay in there and take a punch or two.
At min 41 rylai was creeping top lane and missed big team fight mid near river.
At min 44 scourge was raxing mid, and rylai was at fountain waiting for gold to complete his aghanims. By the time he got it rax was gone.
Foehammer banned 5 days for game ruin.