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[T&E] rednagger; euphoria; grunttosiepacz; zlau; cartman12345678;@europe.battlenet; nystrom@entconnect

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 7:46 pm
by Cigogne
Replay Link: ... 713800.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Troll and Elves #11
Your Warcraft III Username: bel-ami
Violator's Warcraft III Username: rednagger; euphoria; grunttosiepacz; zlau; cartman12345678; Nystrom
Violated Rule(s): By users :

rednagger : insults (4:43 ; 9:48 ; 11:42 ; 19:22 ; 38:16 ; 52:07); intent to teamkill (7:50), teamkilling (52:42), feeding the otherteam on purpose (whisper at 10:33 and then he proceeds to suicide), teleporting on the troll near enemy towers so he would die (after 10:33). + abusive kick on grunttosiepacz (no reason).

zlau : ruining the game on purpose : teleporting on the troll near enemy towers intentionally (19:05), allowing a 3 elf base (from 30:30 and on, reminded them the rule at 38:02)

grunttosiepacz : teamkilling at 7:50 although he did it because rednagger tried to teamkill him.

euphoria : ruining the game on purpose : teleporting on the troll and feeding the enemy team (24:14 => 51:00)

Nystrom : mocking (38:24), building a base with more than 3 players (30:30 until the end)

cartman12345678 : mocking (19:23) allowing a 3 elf base while knowing it's against the rules (from 30:30 and on, reminded them the rule at 38:02)

Any further thoughts: Such a lovely game.

Re: [T&E] rednagger; euphoria; grunttosiepacz; zlau; cartman12345678;@europe.battlenet; nystrom@entconnect

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 1:40 am
by Arii

-House glitch @ 1:20 and 20:13
-Teamkills yellow @ 7:45

- Built in someone else's base without permission @ 7:35
-Continuous votekick abuse

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(08:24 / All) RedNagger: !votekick GrunttoSiepacz
(08:24 / All) bel-ami: A votekick against player [GruntToSiepacz] has been started by player [RedNagger]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass

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(21:15 / All) RedNagger: !votekick GruntToSiepacz

-Intentionally feeds after threatening to do so

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(10:33 / Private) RedNagger: I will fucking feed so you lose

-Suicide @ 22:39

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(21:43 / Allied) euphoria.: !yes

-Contributing to abusive votekick
-Intentional feeding @ 26:38


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(21:25 / Allied) aggin.: !yes

-Contributing to abusive votekick


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(22:01 / Allied) Nystrom: !yes

-Contributing to abusive votekick
-3 person base @ 30:30


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(22:04 / Allied) zlau: !yes

-Contributing to abusive votekick
-3 person base @ 30:30

-3 person base at 30:30

Re: [T&E] rednagger; euphoria; grunttosiepacz; zlau; cartman12345678;@europe.battlenet; nystrom@entconnect

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 5:49 pm
by Merex banned 5 days for House Glitch. banned 10 days for Intentionally Feeding/Votekick Abuse/game ruining (Like maliciously using teleport the entire game to try and kill the troll..) banned 8 days for Intentionally Feeding/Votekick Abuse/game ruining (Same as above..)
Nystrom@entconnect banned 3 days for Triple Basing/Votekick Abuse. banned 2 days for Votekick Abuse. banned 2 days for Votekick Abuse. banned 2 days for Votekick Abuse.