Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #77
Your Warcraft III Username: Stone-of-Jordan
Violator's Warcraft III Username: IlllIllIl1, Bart(NL), waterFlow
Violated Rule(s):
- IlllIllIl1 (Sniper) exploits courier glitch after spotting Bart(NL) (Techies) in bot river @ -1:43 and immediately moves courier to walk over three mines @ -0:58
- Bart(NL) (Techies) griefs at fountain about exploit, declares AFK @ 2:10 after failed draw vote, and refuses to play until 17:00
- waterFlow (Nightstalker) rage quits @ 7:08 after failed draw vote and his own death
Any further thoughts:
- Techies refused to explain any part of his grievance (first time I've seen the glitch firsthand), but he definitely overreacted; instead of choosing to play on and let ENT handle the ban, he griefed incoherently for 15 minutes and threw our game
- Multiple failed votekick attempts for techies from 3:42 to 20:00. Strangely, he stayed at his keyboard instead of leaving.
I may have made a mistake in chat. At 4:43, I said that not votekicking a game thrower was bannable. Looking at the rules now, it doesn't seem explicitly bannable; I guess it's a judgment call? In any case, I didn't intend to deceive players about the rules. Could you clear this up for me so that in the future I know how to respond better?