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[DOTA] IlllIllIl1, USEast / Bart(NL), Europe / waterFlow, USWest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 10:01 am
by SoJ
Replay Link: ... 716521.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #77
Your Warcraft III Username: Stone-of-Jordan
Violator's Warcraft III Username: IlllIllIl1, Bart(NL), waterFlow
Violated Rule(s):

  • IlllIllIl1 (Sniper) exploits courier glitch after spotting Bart(NL) (Techies) in bot river @ -1:43 and immediately moves courier to walk over three mines @ -0:58
  • Bart(NL) (Techies) griefs at fountain about exploit, declares AFK @ 2:10 after failed draw vote, and refuses to play until 17:00
  • waterFlow (Nightstalker) rage quits @ 7:08 after failed draw vote and his own death
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): -1:43, -0:58, 2:10-17:00, 7:08
Any further thoughts:
- Techies refused to explain any part of his grievance (first time I've seen the glitch firsthand), but he definitely overreacted; instead of choosing to play on and let ENT handle the ban, he griefed incoherently for 15 minutes and threw our game
- Multiple failed votekick attempts for techies from 3:42 to 20:00. Strangely, he stayed at his keyboard instead of leaving.

I may have made a mistake in chat. At 4:43, I said that not votekicking a game thrower was bannable. Looking at the rules now, it doesn't seem explicitly bannable; I guess it's a judgment call? In any case, I didn't intend to deceive players about the rules. Could you clear this up for me so that in the future I know how to respond better?

Re: [DOTA] IlllIllIl1, USEast / Bart(NL), Europe / waterFlow, USWest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 12:59 pm
by pearson

IlllIllIl1 (Sniper) + Bart(NL) (Techies) are valid ban requests.

waterFlow (Nightstalker) has left the game. Leavers are auto banned by autobanex not moderators.

Votekick rules are explained here: ... ng:VKRules

And in the mentioned game, techies announced to everyone that he isn't playing the game, which is against the rules. Therefore votekick is obligatory as mentioned here:

* If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes.

Re: [DOTA] IlllIllIl1, USEast / Bart(NL), Europe / waterFlow, USWest

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 2:57 pm
by BeerLord
@SoJ yes not votekicking a clear game ruiner is against ENT rules.
Bart(nl) with two previous bans for game ruin. Banned 10 days for game ruin, third offense.
Waterflow's leaving handled by autoban.
IlllIllIl1, and LASTRIFLEMAN banned 2 days each for failure to vote-kick game ruiner.
edit IlllIllIl1 banned 5 days for exploiting glitch, using courier to kill mines.