[DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

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[DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:51 pm

Replay Link: Many (see below)
Game Name: Many (see below)
Your Warcraft III Username: N/A - I was not in these games.
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Wrecktify, u_lose_i_win
Violated Rule(s): Throwing games to get low ELO, then boosting his friend.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): N/A
Any further thoughts:

Some of you may remember the flowersnow controversy, where flowersnow's friend lost a bunch of games to get extremely low ELO, then played for real with flowersnow to boost his ELO. This event shows that there is precedent for what wrecktify and his friend are doing.

u_lose_i_win is a booster for wrecktify. This is a violation because u_lose_i_win intentionally lost games (or at the very least, did not try) to later feed ELO to wrecktify (who knowingly supported this activity. It would be impossible for him NOT to know).

Player u_lose_i_win has 453 ELO and 0.3 KD. Looks like a terrible player. So look at how he plays with/without wrecktify. To be impartial, I took the games going right down the game list for wrecktify (with u_lose_i_win), then took 5 down the list of u_lose_i_win (without wrecktify)

Game 1:
Stats: 10/7/17.

Game 2:
Stats: 12/3/7

Game 3:
Stats: 12/4/10

Game 4:
Stats: 8/2/19

Game 5:
Stats: 14/6/8

Unusually good play for a 450 ELO. Now let's look at some of his games without wrecktify.

Game 1:
Stats: 0/2/0

Game 2:
Stats: 4/9/10

Game 3:
Stats: 12/18/16

And taking some random games from down the list without wrecktify:
Stats: 2/17/11

Stats: 4/10/2

Stats: 0/11/1

All of the games with wrecktify were wins. Besides 1 draw (which he did NOT vote for - he instead voted to kick his team that game), all without him that I looked at were losses. It seems that wrecktify was boosted by this player a lot, and if so wrecktify's elo is illegitimate. If more detail is needed, I can analyze some of the replays but the difference in his play with/without wrecktify is not explainable.

Note: precedent for this type of offense can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18443 when flowersnow did an identical offense.

(edit) It's possible that a different player was using it before. If so, the IPs before/after should be different so a mod can easily confirm that - in which case, I am mistaken.
Last edited by EdgeOfChaos on Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:55 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby NiceGuy » Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:25 am

1) I've been playing with this guy for 3 days (hence the few games you linked that I'm in are the only ones I've played with him). Any admin can confirm that I've got about 1% of my games with this person.

2) The reason for the bad stats in prior games is that it's a different person playing the same ID. Someone gave my friend ( @THR ) the ID three days ago, and before I played with him at all I asked him to check with admins to see if it was OK. It's my understanding that he received permission. If that's not correct just let me know. Thanks.

OP just edited his post to say
(edit) It's possible that a different player was using it before. If so, the IPs before/after should be different so a mod can easily confirm that - in which case, I am mistaken.

That is correct. But the easier thing to check is that I've literally never played a game U_lose_i_win (on my team or otherwise) until approx 3 days ago. So no, I could not have had knowledge of any game ruining. If stats alone were enough to presume game ruining, many low ELO accounts would be banned. Obviously that's not the rule.


Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby MoguL » Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:07 pm

That's an interesting explanation. What would cause a 450 ELO player to just give up his account to someone else? My guess is that it's a shared account with many people losing on purpose on it, and only your friend boosting you. Judging by the country flags (France, Canada, USA), that seems to make sense to me.

I'd look at alias checker and reference IP's to see how many people are on the account and see if they're actually bad or playing as bad players in order to boost stats. If it looks that way, looks like someone might be getting a stat wipe.


After looking into this further: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=7821909

MAP is THR, who is supposedly the guy playing and boosting wrecktify on u_lose_i_win currently. Pretty damn obvious given the context that we now know MAP is wrecktify's friend, he's throwing this game. There's a couple interesting things going on here:

1. Why is the guy that's boosting him playing against him and doing horribly?
2. Why is MAP's country flag swapping between Canada and France?
Last edited by MoguL on Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby wewoneno » Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:42 pm

Please delete this post. It was based on an ill-informed assumption that was ultimately wrong and useless and only helps to clutter this brq.
Last edited by wewoneno on Tue Jun 07, 2016 6:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby HazarDous » Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:58 pm


Care to explain how many people play on u_lose_i_win@useast.battle.net, and why the account is shared?

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby raedric » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:12 pm

The fact that his friend got the account with low elo and played with him exclusively on it makes it a very clear case of boosting tbh. No reason to use low elo name and not new name otherwise.


Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby MoguL » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:41 pm

Another case of a thrown game by one of his friends:


i-blow-pandas played multiple games with wrecktify to boost ELO then threw this game.


Looks like hairyballs did the same thing.

I think a lot of times, they have an account that plays a few games with Wrecktify, then that smurf goes and throws a game and they start over.

https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=7781110 - MAP throwing again.
Game was immediately followed up by https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=7781365 where MAP is now named microing

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby NiceGuy » Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:51 pm

There's only throwing in one game you linked, which is not good but it has nothing to do with boosting and was because my friend wanted to get revenge on someone on his team. In the first game you linked, i-blow-pandas was techies and got a bunch of deaths from suicides, but he actually killed me or helped his team kill me twice at important moments. I was meepo though, and it was an easy game. In the second game, yea this guy was throwing as I said. In the third game, Map is actually friends with jaguar and was playing on his team trying to beat me. I told you earlier that I only started playing with map again after a long haitus about a week ago. This was the game where I ran into him, and we started playing after that.

As for this game you linked in your previous post (https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=7821909), you need to look at the lobby chat that was saved to see what happened here (http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/dow ... 821909.txt). This guy named Sprayche, who we had just beaten in a previous game, came onto our team and was saying he was going to throw the game. Look halfway down the lobby chat for this:

[LeeVang]: bahahhaha
[LeeVang]: make you lose :D
[LeeVang]: YES
[LeeVang]: 20 deaths!

When I saw that, I changed teams. Then he had a flame war with map all game, before he even had a death. Their shit had nothing to do with me.

Something like this happens maybe once every hundred games or so, and I don't lie about it. If you play enough, it happens sometimes. But you're too quick to judge. Admins are looking into the accusation.

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby raedric » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:00 pm

I don't care if who has been throwing where: I care that a player has an account with elo too low for his skillset because somebody gave it to him and he plays with his high elo friend to boost elo gain. That's sketchy stuff mate.


Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby MoguL » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:13 pm

NiceGuy wrote:In the third game, Map is actually friends with jaguar and was playing on his team trying to beat me. I told you earlier that I only started playing with map again after a long haitus about a week ago. This was the game where I ran into him, and we started playing after that.

But that game was on 5/25...

What's this?


On the 22nd...

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby NiceGuy » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:18 pm

@raedric i hear u, in retrospect it was a stupid idea. but my friend asked an admin for permission beforehand and they said it was fine. At least that's my understanding. It resulted in a net gain of maybe 10 elo though, so we're not talking anything significant here. It won't happen again. And I can try my best to not play against against my friends, but I have dozens of friends here and it's harder than you'd think to not play against anyone I'm friends with. And even they try, it's often going to result in terrible stats for them. I've got tons of games against 1500-2000 elo players who go 0-10 against me. Many of my friends are not even on that level. Of course they do better when I'm on their team . . . I'm on their team. There was throwing in the two games I specifically mentioned above, but that's it.

@mogul I dunno, I didn't remember that game? You are right though it was three days earlier, but that's not relevant to literally anything - so I ran into him the 22nd not the 25th? You're trying to cross examine me expecting me to remember a particular game apart from a game that was three days before, but you're way off topic.


Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby MoguL » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:20 pm

From that game:

(01:36 / Allied) Wrecktify: cmere chrischen
(01:37 / Allied) MasturbaChen: did u like my techies
(01:37 / Allied) MasturbaChen: lol
(01:39 / All) FFFFFFF: 509 win
(01:41 / Allied) MasturbaChen: lol
(01:42 / Allied) MasturbaChen: lol
(01:42 / Allied) Wrecktify: was funny
(01:46 / Allied) FFFFFFF: 50 loose?
(01:48 / Allied) Marshmellow.DiK: !scores
(01:50 / All) FFFFFFF: 50 loose
(01:53 / Allied) MasturbaChen: !sd map

You mean, from the game before?:


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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby NiceGuy » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:25 pm

@mogul yea, I didn't know it was him until he told after. It was funny.


Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby MoguL » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:33 pm

Okay, well the mods will determine how stupid you can pretend to be about all of this. If you ask me, it looks like you and your friends are planting people on the other team to feed ELO and using low ELO smurfs to boost ELO. It's way too obvious at this point. You know what you're doing.

You're trying to cross examine me expecting me to remember a particular game apart from a game that was three days before, but you're way off topic.

I'm just simply stating that the specific facts that you're recalling are simply not true. You're either completely oblivious to everything (which I doubt) or you're making up facts to hide the truth.
Last edited by MoguL on Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [DotA] Boosting - wrecktify and u_lose_i_win

Postby HazarDous » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:43 pm

This is, and will be ruled in regards to the accusations of boosting only.

Will deal with it later.

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