[DOTA] CriticalSkills uswest.battle.net

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[DOTA] CriticalSkills uswest.battle.net

Postby relentl3ss » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:29 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 990982.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #57 7990982.w3g
Your Warcraft III Username: relentl3ss @uswest.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: CriticalSkills uswest.battle.net
Violated Rule(s): mh, uses skills and ult in blind spots
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): @10 @12 @13 @16 @20 and rest of the ganks up to 19 times
Any further thoughts: This sky is a mher, uses skills in blind spots. He even places some fake wards to try to dodge mh use. Please ban him.

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Re: [DOTA] CriticalSkills uswest.battle.net

Postby BeerLord » Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:55 pm

Im not seeing maphack here @relentless but a pretty skillful player. His last hitting kills are superb and he farms like a maniac.
Some time stamps I reviewed:
921: Moving up the river after getting bottom rune when doubles back towards enigma who is coming out of sentinel forest behind him. But he continues past him before turning back again to engage him so it does not appear that he had site of him previously. Also, as his 2 allies in bottom lane were near their tower and no scourge heroes were visible in the area it was prudent to turn back and go through the forest if he was considering looking to gank bottom lane.
1245: Only one scourge hero is visible on minimap so likely someone farming in woods so he goes to check.
1336: There are no scourge heroes visible on minimap so he gets invis and checks your woods. He checks two creep camps first, then moves right past a huskar lurking near the trees as he proceeds to third camp where he finds ursa. He waits until huskar leaves and ogre magi comes to help then he ambushes ursa and kills.
1920: there is only one scourge hero visible on minimap so again he enters woods and gets vision of ursa and backs.
Also at 1254 he is near middle tower and knows zeus is lurking and he enters the trees behind the tower apparently searching for him. Zeus however is farther up lane and out of site.
So again I think this is just a very excellant player. Past the 20 minute mark are there any other time stamps you want me to check?


Re: [DOTA] CriticalSkills uswest.battle.net

Postby Larz » Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:57 am

no responce
Denied processing

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