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[DOTA] DrunkenSeagull @USeast

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:13 pm
by Veneteaou
Gamename: Veneteaou
My user name: Veneteaou
Violators: DrunkenSeagull, Peace_Man, EmptyBottle, and Momentf (and Abtin)
Violated Rule(s): Votekick Abuse (refusing to vote for an AFK) and AFKing (Abtin the Warlock)
Time of Violation: around 63 minutes
Any further thoughts: User Kalubhi (brown) may have skipped voting as well. Warlock was frustrated, and AFKed while the game was fairly close. Around 65 minutes, DrunkenSeagull claimed that Warlock had "Only been AFK for about 4.5 minutes" and wasn't interested in voting.

Re: [DOTA] DrunkenSeagull @USeast

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:58 pm
by BeerLord
abtin goes afk at 6142 until game end.
abtin banned 3 days for afk/grief.
Your first votekick of abtin was unwarranted and not explained to sentinel players. The next two were justified but when players use the votekick command when its not warranted it leads to mistrust of subsequent votekicks, and since one can be banned for inappropriate votekicks, I can excuse their caution. Having said that, by the time he was afk for 4 plus minutes the votekick should have been voted on.
Issuing warnings to DrunkenSeagull, dlight67, peace_man, emptybottle, and momentf for failure to votekick afk player.