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[DOTA] playershunterx, entconnect and his bot agentg,

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:00 pm
by FalenGa
Replay Link: ... 807243.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #8
Your Warcraft III Username: Lincoln_J
Violator's Warcraft III Username:playershunterx and agentg ( the guy feeding himself ) , ent_sucks and rudimental ( not accepting votekick )
Violated Rule(s): Gameruin ( one guy playing 2 characters and feeding himself ), not accepting votekick. Also multiple votekick abuses by playershunter-agentg ( same guy ).
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Gameruiner for the whole game, 7:48, 9:00,
Any further thoughts: He is using fury ( 1 level the whole game ) to teleport right to himself ( geo ) and kill him, so I will not give specific timestamps for geo-fury, just because it's been going on for the whole game, and is fairly obvious. Same deal also happened with many other people in other games.

About the two that didn't accept the massive votekicks :

Minute 7:48 votekick number 1. None of the two accept.
Minute 9:00 votekick number 2. None of the two accept.
Minute 11:00 votekick number 3. None of the two accept.
Minute 14:03 votekick number 4. None of the two accept.
Minute 15:16 votekick number 5. None of the two accept.
Minute 23:06 votekick number 6. None of the two accept.
Minute 31:09 votekick number 7. None of the two accept.

The best part is, at minute 27:30, someone votekicks bara ( not sure if by mistake or whatever ), and ent_sucks accepts.

Re: [DOTA] playershunterx, entconnect and his bot agentg,

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:48 pm
by sealman
Is this the same guy as?

their must be something that can be done about this guy and his furion/meepo multiboxing. Sad this game had to go 30 minutes. If people won't vk such obvious game ruining, they deserve some serious bans.

Sorry you had to deal with this shit, @falenga

Re: [DOTA] playershunterx, entconnect and his bot agentg,

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:35 pm
by FalenGa
Thank you sealman. I 've come across a guy doing the exact same thing before, and he got banned for a year. I don't know if he is the same one, tho. They both did the exact same thing, and they both were terrible meepo players, but i can't be sure.

Re: [DOTA] playershunterx, entconnect and his bot agentg,

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:13 pm
by LTDNorb
From the Lobby-log: ... 118769.txt

Code: Select all

[System]: *** player [AgentG] has joined the game
[System]: Player [AgentG] has the same IP address as: playershunterx
[System]: [] hasn't played any DotA games here.

Easy case here...

Re: [DOTA] playershunterx, entconnect and his bot agentg,

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:14 pm
by BeerLord
playershunterx and agent banned one year for ban dodging maphack and game ruin.