[LTD] naz1_johny@europe kankerlijer@uswest ladygagadiksuck@useast faerydreadlord@europe
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 1:08 am
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 224873.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #58
Your Warcraft III Username: Dontkillmebruh
Violator's Warcraft III Username: naz1_johny@europe kankerlijer@uswest ladygagadiksuck@useast faerydreadlord@europe
Violated Rule(s): Uncalled hybrid mod, votekick abuse, refusing to draw
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): From the start
Any further thoughts:
Feary telling them not to draw with intentionnal wrong mode and 3v4:
(00:00 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: -zoom 155
(00:03 / Allied) Naz1_Johny: -hpmmhgggcbx3
(00:04 / Allied) Dontkillmebruh: fast wisp
(00:11 / Allied) Dontkillmebruh: WTF
(00:13 / Allied) Sasuke: !draw
(00:13 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Sasuke] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(00:14 / All) Dontkillmebruh: WTF
(00:15 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: haha nice
(00:15 / All) Dontkillmebruh: !draw
(00:15 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Dontkillmebruh] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(00:18 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: dont draw
(00:19 / Allied) Castiell: !draw
(00:19 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Castiell] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(00:20 / All) Dontkillmebruh: fucking noob
(00:25 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: is cool hybrid im pro
(00:25 / All) Dontkillmebruh: enjoy ban
(00:32 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: whats wrong
(00:35 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: you all want prophet?
(00:36 / All) FAERYDREADLORD: its cool man
(00:41 / All) Sasuke: draw
(00:41 / All) gofackyarself: Castiell has left the game voluntarily.
(00:41 / QUIT) Castiell: Left
(00:41 / All) gofackyarself: Use !draw to vote to draw the game.
(00:41 / All) Dontkillmebruh: didnt call mod?
(00:43 / All) Dontkillmebruh: draw
(00:43 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: prophet is so boring
(00:46 / Allied) Sasuke: !draw
(00:47 / Allied) Sasuke: +
(00:48 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: hybrid only fun builder
(00:48 / All) Sasuke: !draw
(00:49 / All) Dontkillmebruh: he didnt call
(00:50 / All) Sasuke: he left
(00:51 / All) Dontkillmebruh: prophet
(00:52 / All) FAERYDREADLORD: is so pro
(00:52 / All) Naz1_Johny: prophet lame as fuck
naz1_johny@europe: Never called the hybrid mode in lobby, and votekick abuse: Ladygagadiksuck Votekick abuse aswell as kankerlijer
(03:09 / Allied) LadyGagaDikSuck: !votekick Dontkillmebruh
(03:09 / All) gofackyarself: A votekick against player [Dontkillmebruh] has been started by player [LadyGagaDikSuck]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds t
(03:09 / All) gofackyarself: Type !yes to vote.
(03:09 / All) gofackyarself: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(03:10 / All) FAERYDREADLORD: !draw
(03:10 / All) Dontkillmebruh: faggot
(03:10 / Allied) Naz1_Johny: !votekick yellow
(03:13 / All) Naz1_Johny: !yes
(03:13 / Allied) Kankerlijer: !votekick dontkill
(03:13 / All) Dontkillmebruh: nice
(03:14 / Allied) Sasuke: !draw
(03:16 / All) Dontkillmebruh: enjoy ban
(03:16 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Dontkillmebruh]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(03:19 / Allied) Kankerlijer: !yes
(03:19 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Kankerlijer] voted to kick player [Dontkillmebruh]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:19 / All) Dontkillmebruh: votekick abuse
(05:17 / Allied) Naz1_Johny: !votekick dontkillmebruh
(05:17 / All) gofackyarself: A votekick against player [Dontkillmebruh] has been started by player [Naz1_Johny]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(05:17 / All) gofackyarself: Type !yes to vote.
(05:17 / All) gofackyarself: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(07:08 / All) Dontkillmebruh: red didnt call hybrid = ban
(07:11 / All) Kankerlijer: its not a rule why are you guys so angry
(07:13 / All) Dontkillmebruh: red votekick abuse = ban
(07:13 / All) Naz1_Johny: and it says that where?
(07:18 / All) gofackyarself: [Calm] has refilled [Dontkillmebruh]'s cookie jar. [Dontkillmebruh] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(07:18 / All) Dontkillmebruh: read the fucking rules idiot
(07:23 / All) Naz1_Johny: ive hosted thousand times
(07:28 / All) Dontkillmebruh: no you dont
(07:29 / All) Naz1_Johny: never did prophet once
When picking a mode other than the default one (-hpgmcb prophet or -phgmcb), mode setter (red) must announce it in the lobby before the game starts. Every player must be informed, so they have the opportunity to leave in case of dislike.
Do not spam or randomly start !votekicks, do not !votekick to avoid being kicked, and do not !votekick without proper reasons. Votekicks are ban-able even if they are not passed since negative intentions can still be assessed and misusing it can lead others to misuse it. Kicks and bans are enforced based on how severe the rule has been violated. ENT keeps the right to enforce punishments as warning.
Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruinners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game.
Now admins going to say that its never an obligation to draw, but when the host pick wrong mode iententionally and one of our teamate leave
because of that it should be mendatory, otherwise people can just go around putting wrong modes to get free elo, and not everyone will taker the time to post up for proper sanction like i do
https://entgaming.net/customstats/legio ... e/8224873/
Game Name: [ENT] Legion TD Mega #58
Your Warcraft III Username: Dontkillmebruh
Violator's Warcraft III Username: naz1_johny@europe kankerlijer@uswest ladygagadiksuck@useast faerydreadlord@europe
Violated Rule(s): Uncalled hybrid mod, votekick abuse, refusing to draw
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): From the start
Any further thoughts:
Feary telling them not to draw with intentionnal wrong mode and 3v4:
(00:00 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: -zoom 155
(00:03 / Allied) Naz1_Johny: -hpmmhgggcbx3
(00:04 / Allied) Dontkillmebruh: fast wisp
(00:11 / Allied) Dontkillmebruh: WTF
(00:13 / Allied) Sasuke: !draw
(00:13 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Sasuke] has voted to draw the game. 5 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(00:14 / All) Dontkillmebruh: WTF
(00:15 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: haha nice
(00:15 / All) Dontkillmebruh: !draw
(00:15 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Dontkillmebruh] has voted to draw the game. 4 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(00:18 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: dont draw
(00:19 / Allied) Castiell: !draw
(00:19 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Castiell] has voted to draw the game. 3 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(00:20 / All) Dontkillmebruh: fucking noob
(00:25 / Allied) FAERYDREADLORD: is cool hybrid im pro
(00:25 / All) Dontkillmebruh: enjoy ban
(00:32 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: whats wrong
(00:35 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: you all want prophet?
(00:36 / All) FAERYDREADLORD: its cool man
(00:41 / All) Sasuke: draw
(00:41 / All) gofackyarself: Castiell has left the game voluntarily.
(00:41 / QUIT) Castiell: Left
(00:41 / All) gofackyarself: Use !draw to vote to draw the game.
(00:41 / All) Dontkillmebruh: didnt call mod?
(00:43 / All) Dontkillmebruh: draw
(00:43 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: prophet is so boring
(00:46 / Allied) Sasuke: !draw
(00:47 / Allied) Sasuke: +
(00:48 / All) LadyGagaDikSuck: hybrid only fun builder
(00:48 / All) Sasuke: !draw
(00:49 / All) Dontkillmebruh: he didnt call
(00:50 / All) Sasuke: he left
(00:51 / All) Dontkillmebruh: prophet
(00:52 / All) FAERYDREADLORD: is so pro
(00:52 / All) Naz1_Johny: prophet lame as fuck
naz1_johny@europe: Never called the hybrid mode in lobby, and votekick abuse: Ladygagadiksuck Votekick abuse aswell as kankerlijer
(03:09 / Allied) LadyGagaDikSuck: !votekick Dontkillmebruh
(03:09 / All) gofackyarself: A votekick against player [Dontkillmebruh] has been started by player [LadyGagaDikSuck]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds t
(03:09 / All) gofackyarself: Type !yes to vote.
(03:09 / All) gofackyarself: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(03:10 / All) FAERYDREADLORD: !draw
(03:10 / All) Dontkillmebruh: faggot
(03:10 / Allied) Naz1_Johny: !votekick yellow
(03:13 / All) Naz1_Johny: !yes
(03:13 / Allied) Kankerlijer: !votekick dontkill
(03:13 / All) Dontkillmebruh: nice
(03:14 / Allied) Sasuke: !draw
(03:16 / All) Dontkillmebruh: enjoy ban
(03:16 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Dontkillmebruh]'s draw vote has been recalled automatically (three minutes have elapsed).
(03:19 / Allied) Kankerlijer: !yes
(03:19 / All) gofackyarself: Player [Kankerlijer] voted to kick player [Dontkillmebruh]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:19 / All) Dontkillmebruh: votekick abuse
(05:17 / Allied) Naz1_Johny: !votekick dontkillmebruh
(05:17 / All) gofackyarself: A votekick against player [Dontkillmebruh] has been started by player [Naz1_Johny]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(05:17 / All) gofackyarself: Type !yes to vote.
(05:17 / All) gofackyarself: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(07:08 / All) Dontkillmebruh: red didnt call hybrid = ban
(07:11 / All) Kankerlijer: its not a rule why are you guys so angry
(07:13 / All) Dontkillmebruh: red votekick abuse = ban
(07:13 / All) Naz1_Johny: and it says that where?
(07:18 / All) gofackyarself: [Calm] has refilled [Dontkillmebruh]'s cookie jar. [Dontkillmebruh] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(07:18 / All) Dontkillmebruh: read the fucking rules idiot
(07:23 / All) Naz1_Johny: ive hosted thousand times
(07:28 / All) Dontkillmebruh: no you dont
(07:29 / All) Naz1_Johny: never did prophet once
When picking a mode other than the default one (-hpgmcb prophet or -phgmcb), mode setter (red) must announce it in the lobby before the game starts. Every player must be informed, so they have the opportunity to leave in case of dislike.
Do not spam or randomly start !votekicks, do not !votekick to avoid being kicked, and do not !votekick without proper reasons. Votekicks are ban-able even if they are not passed since negative intentions can still be assessed and misusing it can lead others to misuse it. Kicks and bans are enforced based on how severe the rule has been violated. ENT keeps the right to enforce punishments as warning.
Do not abuse !votekick: its only purpose is to kick game ruinners who violate ENT's rules and negatively impact the game for either or both teams in the game.
Now admins going to say that its never an obligation to draw, but when the host pick wrong mode iententionally and one of our teamate leave
because of that it should be mendatory, otherwise people can just go around putting wrong modes to get free elo, and not everyone will taker the time to post up for proper sanction like i do
https://entgaming.net/customstats/legio ... e/8224873/