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[CW] peterchaohere

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 3:08 am
by Aderan
Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] Civilization Wars #38:
Your Warcraft III Username: Spiderligh:
Violator's Warcraft III Username: peterchaohere:
Violated Rule(s): Griefing and trolling:
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 00:00 :
Any further thoughts: Emerson already had bot, and he started to cry out loud and didn't made anything, game was drawed fortunately.:

Re: [CW] peterchaohere

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:55 pm
by Hatedmaru
After reviewing:

He was told in lobby that he should have gone yellow if he wanted top

Ingame, he pretty much ran bot, after being told he was top - He got screwed (since yellow was bot) he coulnd't build :P and after that he just patrolled mid, not building or doing anything at all till game gets drawn.

So should be banned for clear gameruin (Refusal to play/build)

Re: [CW] peterchaohere

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:30 pm
by RadiantCrystal