[LOD]sander@useast.battle.net && ihateblack@uswest.battle.net for afk and game ruining
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:19 pm
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8229424
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #59
Your Warcraft III Username: nytuh-xynjlo
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sander, ihateblack
Violated Rule(s): AFK fountain
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
- from the first minutes of the game it was obvious that the player sander had not much interest in participation.
- (11:31) xxdoodooxx has left the game right after he killed himself two times trying to get rosh at really low level, he's probably got his autoban for that
- The sander was afk for some minutes multiple times at the bot tower, making the bot lane pretty fragile
- eventually he went afk two mins after he got killed at 18:22 and got kickafk-ed at 25:35 (please note, that the sentinel team refused to votekick him earlier, at 23:10)
- the player ihateblack lost his interest around the 20th minute and he went randomly afk fountain or creeping in woods after 25th minute, so eventually it was 2v5 (ttt and nytuh-xynjlo), since he was not taking care of the battles at all
- player tttt got pissed off due to the ruined game and left voluntarily at 27:10, he's probably got his autoban for that
Any further thoughts:
The two players mentioned ( sander@useast.battle.net and ihateblack@uswest.battle.net) should be banned due to ruining the game by going afk without saying a word and leaving their teammates alone vs outnumbered opposite.
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sds6bod2fn #59
Your Warcraft III Username: nytuh-xynjlo
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sander, ihateblack
Violated Rule(s): AFK fountain
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
- from the first minutes of the game it was obvious that the player sander had not much interest in participation.
- (11:31) xxdoodooxx has left the game right after he killed himself two times trying to get rosh at really low level, he's probably got his autoban for that
- The sander was afk for some minutes multiple times at the bot tower, making the bot lane pretty fragile
- eventually he went afk two mins after he got killed at 18:22 and got kickafk-ed at 25:35 (please note, that the sentinel team refused to votekick him earlier, at 23:10)
- the player ihateblack lost his interest around the 20th minute and he went randomly afk fountain or creeping in woods after 25th minute, so eventually it was 2v5 (ttt and nytuh-xynjlo), since he was not taking care of the battles at all
- player tttt got pissed off due to the ruined game and left voluntarily at 27:10, he's probably got his autoban for that
Any further thoughts:
The two players mentioned ( sander@useast.battle.net and ihateblack@uswest.battle.net) should be banned due to ruining the game by going afk without saying a word and leaving their teammates alone vs outnumbered opposite.