[DOTA] gangbangnig useast.battle.net
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:16 am
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 250384.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #7
Your Warcraft III Username: SmellyNuts
Violator's Warcraft III Username: GangBangNig
Violated Rule(s): game ruin
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 49:21 replay
Any further thoughts: Lina had no reason to go afk in a game that was going to be won. Lina was 21 -1 at one point, died a few times then camped at throne for over 10 mins (49:21 - 59:13), moving just to cancel afk timer. This was a very good game and going to be won but having a player go afk that is fed like lina was, it ruins the game. From the point she went afk scourge could not push to end. When a player states that "they're done" , camp throne to pout, ruins the game for others.
37:16 farming bot lane
37:22 get ganked by axe and then turns back and engages all 5 sentinel with pink
37:38 slark ran from battle and lina dies
37:41 GangBangNig: wtf?
37:53 GangBangNig: im done
39:55 mid, dies again
42:00 slark dies, lina charges into 3v1 battle, team comes to help, lina is 23-4 at this point
43:20 creeping jungle
43:36 engages blue full hp, lina with low hp
45:29 lets silencer die
47:45 dies and loses mega streak, 1v3
47:46 GanBangNig: fck..... hes (27-5)
49:21 afk at throne
52:48 top lane rax being pushed, still afk, no def
53:27 top tower killed by creeps, still afk
54:54 Votekick started, blue and pink did not vote
55:33 mid lane being pushed and lina still afk
55:43 tower killed, still afk, lose mid lane
57:00 top lane killed, lina still afk
57:18 bot lane killed but rax, lina still afk
58:49 votekick started
59:13 votekick passed
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #7
Your Warcraft III Username: SmellyNuts
Violator's Warcraft III Username: GangBangNig
Violated Rule(s): game ruin
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 49:21 replay
Any further thoughts: Lina had no reason to go afk in a game that was going to be won. Lina was 21 -1 at one point, died a few times then camped at throne for over 10 mins (49:21 - 59:13), moving just to cancel afk timer. This was a very good game and going to be won but having a player go afk that is fed like lina was, it ruins the game. From the point she went afk scourge could not push to end. When a player states that "they're done" , camp throne to pout, ruins the game for others.
37:16 farming bot lane
37:22 get ganked by axe and then turns back and engages all 5 sentinel with pink
37:38 slark ran from battle and lina dies
37:41 GangBangNig: wtf?
37:53 GangBangNig: im done
39:55 mid, dies again
42:00 slark dies, lina charges into 3v1 battle, team comes to help, lina is 23-4 at this point
43:20 creeping jungle
43:36 engages blue full hp, lina with low hp
45:29 lets silencer die
47:45 dies and loses mega streak, 1v3
47:46 GanBangNig: fck..... hes (27-5)
49:21 afk at throne
52:48 top lane rax being pushed, still afk, no def
53:27 top tower killed by creeps, still afk
54:54 Votekick started, blue and pink did not vote
55:33 mid lane being pushed and lina still afk
55:43 tower killed, still afk, lose mid lane
57:00 top lane killed, lina still afk
57:18 bot lane killed but rax, lina still afk
58:49 votekick started
59:13 votekick passed