[DOTA] sayatsalhiz@server.eurobattle.net , mahunter@server.eurobattle.net, thecastoffkami@server.eurobattle.net
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:23 pm
Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/replay.php?id=8256202
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #21
Your Warcraft III Username: Agent10344
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ayatsalhiz@server.eurobattle.net also uses thecastoffkami@server.eurobattle.net and mahunter@server.eurobattle.net
Violated Rule(s): intentional using of another player in the opposite team to feed him the entire game. refusal to kick feeder. All these 3 accounts belong to the same user.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): It's really the entire game. Initial selection of furion (mahunter) until the game ends. he is also controlling mahunter in all games and always feeds furion to his own stats. he always uses geo. check all games with mahunter: https://entgaming.net/openstats/dota/player/mahunter/ all 11 mahunter games, there's always geo on the other team (ayatsalhiz and thecastoffkami@server.eurobattle.net).. furion feeds geo the entire game. geo owns. and geo knows where all the players in the entire map. refuses to kick mahunter. and uses mahunter to chat to all team just when the game is about to end.
Any further thoughts: this guy needs to be permanently IP banned and totally kicked out from all ent games. you may check replay and see for yourself.
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #21
Your Warcraft III Username: Agent10344
Violator's Warcraft III Username: ayatsalhiz@server.eurobattle.net also uses thecastoffkami@server.eurobattle.net and mahunter@server.eurobattle.net
Violated Rule(s): intentional using of another player in the opposite team to feed him the entire game. refusal to kick feeder. All these 3 accounts belong to the same user.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): It's really the entire game. Initial selection of furion (mahunter) until the game ends. he is also controlling mahunter in all games and always feeds furion to his own stats. he always uses geo. check all games with mahunter: https://entgaming.net/openstats/dota/player/mahunter/ all 11 mahunter games, there's always geo on the other team (ayatsalhiz and thecastoffkami@server.eurobattle.net).. furion feeds geo the entire game. geo owns. and geo knows where all the players in the entire map. refuses to kick mahunter. and uses mahunter to chat to all team just when the game is about to end.
Any further thoughts: this guy needs to be permanently IP banned and totally kicked out from all ent games. you may check replay and see for yourself.