[BS CF] pewpewboaty and legendofthe7ggs@europe.battle.net

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[BS CF] pewpewboaty and legendofthe7ggs@europe.battle.net

Postby qaqa » Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:21 pm

Replay Link
https://entgaming.net/openstats/dota/?u=pewpewboaty and his buddy
https://entgaming.net/findreplay.php?pl ... battle.net
Game Name BS Crossfire:
Your Warcraft III Username qaqa:
Violator's Warcraft III Username: pewpewboaty and legendofthe7ggs
Violated Rule(s): they talk some nonsence and leave all games within 2 minutes of start
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): first 2 minutes of each game
Any further thoughts: they have done this before many times, and were banned

So far they ruined 4 games just today.

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Re: [BS CF] pewpewboaty and legendofthe7ggs@europe.battle.net

Postby Aliscad » Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:52 pm

PewPewBoaty join games, then quit immediately after game start. 6 games straight. What is his problem?
He is not disconnected. He left himself. Is there any bans on this bot or not?
He only create these two ids to ruin the game on purpose. I request to ban his IP instead. This is not the first time.

PS:again, 7th game. BAN THEM!!!!

How much is VIP? I buy them. If that's only way to get a fucking ban.

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Re: [BS CF] pewpewboaty and legendofthe7ggs@europe.battle.net

Postby FalenGa » Mon Aug 29, 2016 2:09 am

legendofthe7ggs europe.battle.net 0 has left the game voluntarily
pewpewboaty europe.battle.net 0 has left the game voluntarily

pewpewboaty europe.battle.net 0 has left the game voluntarily
legendofthe7ggs europe.battle.net 0 has left the game voluntarily

pewpewboaty europe.battle.net 1.78 has left the game voluntarily
legendofthe7ggs europe.battle.net 1.9 has left the game voluntarily

pewpewboaty europe.battle.net 0.2 has left the game voluntarily
legendofthe7ggs europe.battle.net 0 has left the game voluntarily

legendofthe7ggs europe.battle.net 0 has left the game voluntarily
pewpewboaty europe.battle.net 0 has left the game voluntarily

Both players are banned 14 days for intentional game ruin of multiple games ( the list actually continues ).

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Re: [BS CF] pewpewboaty and legendofthe7ggs@europe.battle.net

Postby Arii » Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:39 am

No dodge.

Having an unstable internet connection or a high risk of lagging out? Are you tired of losing a won game because you disconnected?
    Do not worry, there are solutions to solve your problem!
    • ENT Connect is a on LAN connection based reconnection tool (no cd-keys needed).
    • GProxy++(Varlock) is a reconnection tool for the battle.net with an external prompt.
    • GProxy++ DLL is a reconnection plugin for battle.net (Recommended).
    For technical issues or questions, post a topic in the technical support forum.

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