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[DOTA] Please help me !!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:55 am
by ShadeO_o
Replay Link: ... 317077.w3g
Game Name:[dota] arem us/ca #51
Your Warcraft III Username:shady0.9
Violator's Warcraft III Username:propro, scrouge team
Violated Rule(s):afk/greifing entire game
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):18:13 -47:53
Any further thoughts:
I really have no idea what to say but to be honest these kids on the scrouge team did not want to votekick axe knowing he was grefifgn and afking he kept moving also so he wouldnt be kicked out with afk. I knwo some one whos done the same as axe and hes been banned for a month i would like the same for axe and the rest of the sentinel team banned for a week. I really dnt understand why they didnt want to kick him im trying to have a good game here axe cost us the entire game pls ban all scrouge team and axe for a month this the reason i barely play dota now too many kids and reatrds on this game now blizzard need to step up there game and make changes. pls help someone

Re: [DOTA] Please help me !!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:13 am
by jeremymcgehee1979

Re: [DOTA] Please help me !!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:09 pm
by FalenGa
He did say he has to go afk, but he obviously didn't go. He was playing the entire time...
The votekick at 2800 is abusive.

It's at 3200 that he announces again his afk, and he actually does it.
He resets the timer a few times.
Total afk : 12 minutes.

Players refusing the 1st votekick : Everyone.
Players refusing the 2nd votekick : BIGandFAT and bolsonaro_br.

Players BIGandFAT and bolsonaro_br are banned 36 hours for refusing to votekick a visible game ruiner.
Player propro is banned 5 days for afk/griefing.

Just a clarification of our rules.
1) You must be cautious when using the votekick command. You are not allowed to use it, unless someone is clearly breaking a rule. Axe wasn't breaking any rule on your first attempt to votekick him.
2) Pausing/saving the game, especially when someone is pushing, or there is a fight going on, is bannable as well.

Now that you are aware of these two, please be more careful in the future.