[DOTA] GodofSpear@uswest, bizzare@uswest / item sell
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:41 pm
Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 440312.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #52
Your Warcraft III Username: l_ucifer@uswest
Violator's Warcraft III Username: GodofSpear@uswest, bizzare@uswest
Violated Rule(s): God of spear - destroy/sell items, bizzare - refuse to votekick, pause game incessantly
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): ~25 min - purple (god of spear) sells all items before leaving game. i ask players to kick:
(25:58 / Allied) L_ucifer: !votekick god
(26:02 / Allied) L_ucifer: kick him
(26:03 / Allied) L_ucifer: one of u
(26:06 / All) GodOfSpeaR: farm ur own
(26:10 / All) L_ucifer: kick him
(26:16 / All) L_ucifer: or get banned too
(26:19 / All) L_ucifer: he sell all items
(26:22 / All) bizzare: slark
(26:23 / Allied) intruder: !yes
(26:23 / All) bizzare: eat
(26:24 / Allied) bizzare: shit
(26:25 / Allied) RunBitchRunn: !YES
(26:27 / All) bizzare: shit
i was slark - bizzare pretty much says to me that he refuses to kick the game ruiner.
Then, at 33 min and onwards, bizzare constantly pauses game during gameplay.
Any further thoughts: pretty straightforward i think...
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #52
Your Warcraft III Username: l_ucifer@uswest
Violator's Warcraft III Username: GodofSpear@uswest, bizzare@uswest
Violated Rule(s): God of spear - destroy/sell items, bizzare - refuse to votekick, pause game incessantly
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): ~25 min - purple (god of spear) sells all items before leaving game. i ask players to kick:
(25:58 / Allied) L_ucifer: !votekick god
(26:02 / Allied) L_ucifer: kick him
(26:03 / Allied) L_ucifer: one of u
(26:06 / All) GodOfSpeaR: farm ur own
(26:10 / All) L_ucifer: kick him
(26:16 / All) L_ucifer: or get banned too
(26:19 / All) L_ucifer: he sell all items
(26:22 / All) bizzare: slark
(26:23 / Allied) intruder: !yes
(26:23 / All) bizzare: eat
(26:24 / Allied) bizzare: shit
(26:25 / Allied) RunBitchRunn: !YES
(26:27 / All) bizzare: shit
i was slark - bizzare pretty much says to me that he refuses to kick the game ruiner.
Then, at 33 min and onwards, bizzare constantly pauses game during gameplay.
Any further thoughts: pretty straightforward i think...