Burn's suggestions

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Burn's suggestions

Postby Burn » Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:29 am

Buff tauren support, nerf tauren basing:
- Tauren needs fortified armour in Ancestral Rage, or give a tonne more armour.
- Tauren's ward ability should be able to be researched from RC, instead of enfeeble, which should be in ARC.
- Tauren tower damage lowered by 5 damage from enhanced, 10 damage from supers.
- Tauren shouldn't need to research aftershock to get AR.

To prevent staller titans and incentivises staller building tactics:
- End-game suggestion: http://www.islanddefense.org/forum/inde ... pic=3847.0

- Pirate megas damage increased by 10%
- Pirate escape needs a buff, maybe his WW dispels himself from WOTW/stuns/roots/eye of ocean/slows, but is still reveal-able by pearl.
(Pirate atm is just an AFK EB builder)
- Ogre bloodlust needs to be 250W
- Troll's 1000W spiked wall upgrade needs to be 250W.


- Boost id forum activity: viewtopic.php?f=244&t=125153
- Sat should be able to research G2l from rogue den
- Increase range of Pirate's towers by 50. (previous nerf was too big)
- Syph toxic trap should have CD reduced by 20%
- Syph armour reduction on the tower cancelling ability needs to be halved)
- Voltron nuke targets bounced should be max. 8
- Molt shouldn't be able to burn buildings in mirror form
- Mana cost removed on all titan scout abilities (D)
- All titan scout abilities should give decent truesight that lasts at least 10 seconds, able to at least kill mag with WOTW + (D) - EG Syph/Bubo
- Bubo suggestions: viewtopic.php?f=244&t=126548
- Lynx's building discovery suggestion: viewtopic.php?f=244&t=117719

Morph's RC 300w -> 150w
Arctic armor should be able to be used on magic immune units
Make Syph's cast time instant but maintain projectile speed
Upgrade progress bar for nature army spears
Give turtle scales infinite duration, but same cooldown
Reduce hitbox of shops
Reduce hitbox of bubonicus
-m or -mini or -min = shows how many minis there still are
Give Sat g2l
Give turtle scales infinite duration, but same cooldown.
Unless teleporter has been changed, I prefer it to have its cooldown halved, and cost to be two TP staffs and 3 titan eggs.
Titan item: Combine webbed feet with coral with a 5g recipe, resultant item will be just the two combined, and change webbed feet to 15g.
Write in tooltips that wotw can be deto'd by workers.
Eye of the ocean down to 4 gold.
Replenish pot to 3 gold.
Floating eye recipe to 5 gold.
MSOG recipe to 5 gold.
Multiply all minion health by 110% at all levels
Multiply all minion armor by 110% at all levels
Reduce damage of Morph towers by 5 damage at enhanced and up
Reduce the cost of speed poke upgrade from 90g to 45g.
UNFIXABLE !ignore should ignore pings.
-Share commands.
-shareme red/username/slot number (requests red to share me controls, type -yes or -share [my colour]/[my username]/[my slot number] to share) ALTS: -sm red/username/slot number
-share red/username (Shares control with red) ALTS: -s red/username/slot number
-shareoff (Prevents other players from sharing with you) ALTS: -so
-Draw or !draw command for late game stallers (demo, or titan)

IMPLEMENTED Give Bubonicus's nuke instant projectile travel speed , but maintain cast time for stun (stun is instant now too)
IMPLEMENTED Make Ogre's fart make instant like radioactive's invuln shield
IMPLEMENTED Make TP cost mana from gold mound so builders can look away from gold mound when mound is selected. (titan has animation on main now)
IMPLEMENTED Make it so that Hunters skill blink and nitro on default
IMPLEMENTED Give Demo's walls an attack hotkey
IMPLEMENTED Instant elo when titan leaves instead of 15 seconds.
IMPLEMENTED Magnataur should be nukable and be able to be WOTW in avatar form. (mag avatar is hella nerfed by wand of neut)
IMPLEMENTED Change sat's dash from "D" to "E" so it doesn't clash with repair (D)
IMPLEMENTED Give Sat g2l (It's in loot stash, pretty shit, should be researchable from loot den)
IMPLEMENTED Nature's RC 200 wood -> 150 wood
IMPLEMENTED Tauren's move speed should be buffed to match mag's. (mag's move speed was nerfed instead, lmao)
IMPLEMENTED Make titan eggs 45g 2000 wood each. Halve the cooldown of titan eggs. (titan eggs prety much have no CD now)
IMPLEMENTED Reduce damage of Troll towers by 5 damage at enhanced and up (troll was reworked, a bit better for solo now)
IMPLEMENTED Reduce range of Pirate's towers by 50. (pirate towers range is reduced by 100, should be +50)
IMPLEMENTED Give continuous mana upgrades for Mag and Tauren in the research centre for 1g and 250w. (i think all builders have it now)

IMPLEMENTED Radio's gold towers shouldn't be able to be bought by allies
IMPLEMENTED Faerie's RC 300w -> 150w
IMPLEMENTED Change sat's dash from "D" to "E" so it doesn't clash with repair (D)
IMPLEMENTED Make Molt's heal near instant chain heals
IMPLEMENTED Tauren shouldn't need to build ARC in order to build towers.
IMPLEMENTED Tauren megas require a gold upgrade in ARC to match other builders.
IMPLEMENTED Demo needs nerfing, 600hp walls without gold = ridiculous.
IMPLEMENTED Introduce "A vote is currently in progress" notifications and "You have already voted" messages. (for modes like -exp)
IMPLEMENTED longer CD on punish

Last edited by Burn on Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:03 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Remixer » Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:45 pm

1. Forum activity is very controversial as few people find their way to EntGaming's websites. The new loading screen included in the upcoming update does include links and information about ways to reach the community, including our Discord group and EntGaming forums.

2. We've discussed about changing (reworking) Satyr altogether so I don't really want to comment on this one right now.

3. Pirate received other buffs in the incoming update instead of longer range on towers. We'll see how he lands on this update.

4. Noxious is currently considered the stronger Titan in-game and Toxic Trap is a factor in that. Right now we see no need to further buff Noxious.

5. Granted, Noxious excels in a bit too many areas in the game right now and we nerfed Noxious' scouting and nuke in the update that is about to arrive. Further changes are considered, including increasing the Unique's cooldown.

6. We reduced Voltron's nuke's bounce count from flat 12 to 6/9/12, depending on its level, which should smooth out his early power increment.

7. This is an issue we're looking into in the future along with other Ethereal Mirror changes.

8. In fact we added mana costs to all (exclude Bubonicus) scouting abilities this update. Mana depletion and mana sustain is a big factor in balancing the game in Titan's side and Itemization brings more options to decide how mana-dependant you are going to be. If we removed mana cost from Scouting abilities this would mean less ways for us to balance items and individual Titans.

9. The guideline to (new) scouting abilities are that they provide True Sight. The actual mechanic and interractions of individual scouting abilities are not set in stone and thus some scouting abilities might be more potential ways to catch that Magnataur. Once again, Itemization brings more tools to get that Magnataur killed if you happen to play as a Titan whose True Sight is not the most optimal for that scenario.

10. I commented on the thread directly and we plan some tweaks for Bubonicus.

11. This is something that we might look into in the future but as of now this is not on topic. It might be possible to include this function in for example an item.

12. The lumber cost of a Research Center is not a huge deal in the long run and I'm curious why such an individual suggestion?

13. I have to discuss this with IAmDragon as this is not as easy as one might think.

14. I'm trying to change all casting times and animations so that they are not "clumsy" but so that they are sufficient enough to be seen.

15. Noted. Will be looked into.

16. Not so keen on the idea. This would be in a way quality of life change (and a buff) for Troll but this would allow Builders to camp the recipe shops with a Turtle, whereas now it involves a risk of the Turtle getting caught half-way to the shops from time to time. I don't think such a change is needed, but you can try to enlighten me on this topic.

17. Which shops are you referring to right now? I assume the Titan shops and it is only possible if we edit the models but I can look into it.

18. I need to check the model itself and figure out if there's an easy solution for the hit box size.

19. I actually don't know why that was removed. We could surely bring it back in, then again I don't know if it actually useful.

20. Tauren is semi-support-semi-baser and I think his power in Ancestral Rage is quite good right now. As a semi-baser I don't think he should be fighting the Titan.

21. Could be possible but I need more feedback from Tauren players.

22. This is here twice.

23. Same as above.

24. The Teleporter provides faster teleportation channeling time and thus improved functionality but the cooldown is something we can look into.

25. Itemization will fix this thing.

26. Noted.

27. Itemization will fix this and following 3 suggestions.

28. Buffing Titanous Minions is something I've personally thought about for quite a while. Changes will most likely be made in future, but not right now.

29. Morphling received a nerf in his lumber income in the incoming update so we have to see where he stands after it.

30. Same answer as the Satyr gold to lumber, we're planning changes for him.

31. Noted.

32. This can be fixed in the 1.2.9 update for Warcraft 3 but we need to discuss it internally with IAmDragon

33. Feedback taken on commands but I don't think they are very high priority.

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Ben_T » Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:14 pm

-Don't make it so molt's unique won't work in mirror as that is a strategy to spend your money on mirrors. You shouldn't be able to get 6 mirrors and spam mirrors with molt to win but you should still be able to do it.
-sat doesn't need g2l
-do not change vision to give flying vision as making an rc in fog is part of the game.
-Tauren doesn't need to be buffed
-mag is in a good spot right now
-certain rcs cost more as a balance for the builder and therefore I don't believe they need to be changed
-teleporter is fine right now
-turtle scales doesn't need to be an infinite duration, otherwise you'll just afk it at shops which promotes passive gameplay

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Lynx » Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:29 pm

I think bubonicus is kind if fine and possibly a top tier titan.

What he needs is builders to not find his tomb farm early on so I suggest giving tombs an ability "disguise" which makes them invisible for 20 seconds, 55 seconds cool down.

Also make the mound tomb farm a bit more rapid and increase maximum amount of corpses held to 8.

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby FollowingPath » Mon Apr 23, 2018 5:41 pm

If anything, the cost of Teleporter should be lowered to 1 egg instead of raised in addition to having its cooldown reduced. Builder items at the moment are a luxury, something you get when you want to fuck around, or after you've already gotten your upgrades. Even with the current cost, Teleporter is vastly inferior to just spamming tp staff.

I know that @Remixer most likely has ideas on what to do with builder items, but in my opinion the builder items are never going to be used outside of 200g+ games unless they're balanced around the early/mid-game. Too many of them have end-game stats and ridiculous costs, and it's what makes them a luxury that won't see "serious" play. I would personally like to see them scaled down considerably, and Titan Eggs reduced to cost 10-20 gold. That way they can serve as an alternate playstyle throughout the mid-game. "Do you want your arc abilities or does the situation call for a specific item?"

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Lynx » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:28 pm

Gonna hijack burns thread to post my own suggestion i've been working on

Code: Select all

General builder
   Repairing drains 3 lumber per second repaired.
   Golding speed 1s->1.3s
   Upgrade time for walls 5s->7.5s
General titan
   Pearl of vision
   Gauntlets of Rage
   Gauntlets of Fury
   Fiery Claws
      Increases damage by 15 and attack speed by 15%(Keeps the orb that does 25dps)
   Teleport stick
   Eye of the ocean
   Ethereal Mirror
   Chimeara Scout
      stock cooldown 60s->40s
      Can use item chimeara scout
   Helm of Domination
      No longer requires webbed feet
      Agility 0->7 (one agility increases attack speed by 2% and armor by 0.3)
   Super regenerative armor spines
      Movespeed bonus 40->55
   Moon crystal
      Illusion chance 20%->100%
      Cost 10g->12g
            Damage done 0%->20%
   Energy rod
   Fog Generator
   Gem of haste
      Attack speed 10%->0%
      Agility 0->7
   Titanic Trident
      Bonus strength from 20->25
   Berserker Gem
      Attack Speed 25%->0
      Agility 0->15
   Wand of Neutralization
   Manual of retraining
      Cost 5g->0g
      Stock cooldown 60s->600s
   Wand of the Wind
      Cooldown 10s->3s
      No longer stacks
All builders except tauren, magnataur, demonoligist
   Titan hunter
      400l->150l(except for nature, radioactive, pirate, and goblin)
      training increased by 45 seconds
   Mana pool
      20l -> 10l
   Basic Reinforcement
      Research time 40s->60s
   Improved Reinforcement
      Research time 40s->60s
   Research center
      150l -> 300l
   Wall upg.
   Super Tower
      250l->225l(300l->275l for nature and radioactive)
   Mega Tower
      500l->525l(600l->625l for nature and radioactive)
   Ballistics Research
   Haunted grave (wall)
   Demonic Felhound
      Gives 10 experience on death
   Demonic Arachnathid
      Gives 15 experience on death
   Demonic Overlord
      Bounty 1g->2g
   Lumber harvest per swing 25l->20l
   Towers are now magic type damage
   Towers are now magic type damage
   Holy water 1500l->800l
   Towers are now magic type damage
   Gold upgrade towers are now magic type damage
   Scout Stone CD 60s->40s

   Gather Corpse CD 1s->0.1s
      New ability "Disguise"
         Makes the tomb invisible for 15 seconds. 60 seconds cooldown.

need to have it in code bbcode otherwise the formatting from notepad gets fuked

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Burn » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:54 am

Seems I'm getting a lot of negative feedback from the QoL suggestions, thinking they are balance suggestions. If you really think these QoL suggestions are too OP, then you can give it a nerf in another scenario. Especially @Ben_T , everyone one of those suggestions you are arguing against are QoL suggestions to buff game experience, the aim of a lot of these suggestions is just to make the game more fun. A lot of the past editors have been worrying about balance, and the uniqueness of each builder/titans, but I think the most important is how the game is actually played. The FUNness of the game. By making the game more fun to play, it makes it more worthwhile to play. Then, balance makes winning worthwhile, and losing less bullshit. Uniqueness is nice, it makes it more interesting for new players, but in the long run for player retention, uniqueness isn't actually that important, since the least FUN builders/titans are just banned away or not picked, even if they are well balanced, or interestingly unique, if it is not fun to play, no-one will pick it. (looking at Bubo/Demonicus/troll/ogre in particular, all very good, but just aren't FUN enough to play)

1. Forum activity is very controversial as few people find their way to EntGaming's websites. The new loading screen included in the upcoming update does include links and information about ways to reach the community, including our Discord group and EntGaming forums.
Discord is too messy, when there's too many people talking, important conversation just gets drowned out by the louder people who spam. At least on entgaming, people who don't contribute to the conversation are much more apparent. Reddit is best imo but yeah we tried that and it didn't work out. Entgaming is still the best place for good discussion, and I still haven't heard of anyone discussing this topic, which I think is pretty vital to the island defense community.

4. Noxious is currently considered the stronger Titan in-game and Toxic Trap is a factor in that. Right now we see no need to further buff Noxious

5. Granted, Noxious excels in a bit too many areas in the game right now and we nerfed Noxious' scouting and nuke in the update that is about to arrive. Further changes are considered, including increasing the Unique's cooldown.
This isn't much of a balance suggestion, it's more of a QoL suggestion, to make Syph more fun to play even after the nerfs he's about to get. He is OP because of his building cancelling unique, which needs the nerf. Not the toxic trap. I like to give buffs to other aspects to a builder/titan to make them more fun to play, after giving it nerfs.

8. In fact we added mana costs to all (exclude Bubonicus) scouting abilities this update. Mana depletion and mana sustain is a big factor in balancing the game in Titan's side and Itemization brings more options to decide how mana-dependant you are going to be. If we removed mana cost from Scouting abilities this would mean less ways for us to balance items and individual Titans.
Meh, this just forces titans to go back to mid and camp mound. We need more incentives for titans to move away from mid. It also makes titan more fun to play, which is a big factor in this suggestion. Increasing mana makes titan less fun to play, which is a very bad thing. Titan doesn't need unnecessary nerfs like these. Make the actual skills more unique, not the mana cost.

9. The guideline to (new) scouting abilities are that they provide True Sight. The actual mechanic and interractions of individual scouting abilities are not set in stone and thus some scouting abilities might be more potential ways to catch that Magnataur. Once again, Itemization brings more tools to get that Magnataur killed if you happen to play as a Titan whose True Sight is not the most optimal for that scenario.
Mainly, toxic trap truesight needs a buff.

12. The lumber cost of a Research Center is not a huge deal in the long run and I'm curious why such an individual suggestion?
Was an older suggestion, but it should be a fine QoL change.

14. I'm trying to change all casting times and animations so that they are not "clumsy" but so that they are sufficient enough to be seen.
I'm fine with removing like 90% of cast times in Island Defense, it just makes it clunky. It's not like DotA where you get to cast 100 spells in a row which makes cast times a requirement, there just aren't that many spells in ID.

16. Not so keen on the idea. This would be in a way quality of life change (and a buff) for Troll but this would allow Builders to camp the recipe shops with a Turtle, whereas now it involves a risk of the Turtle getting caught half-way to the shops from time to time. I don't think such a change is needed, but you can try to enlighten me on this topic.
The risk of the turtle getting caught half-way from time to time is a bad thing, just an annoying thing. The scenario you listed is a low risk high punishment scenario. This isn't a balance issue, it's a QoL suggestion to make the game more fun.

17. Which shops are you referring to right now? I assume the Titan shops and it is only possible if we edit the models but I can look into it.
When items are dropped next to the shop, it can't be clicked because the titan shops is too big, especially titan eggs, which are impossible to click at some places.

18. I need to check the model itself and figure out if there's an easy solution for the hit box size.
Also a lot of the titans restrict the builders from denying walls if they stand at certain angles.

19. I actually don't know why that was removed. We could surely bring it back in, then again I don't know if it actually useful.
Not sure which suggestion this is referring to, but I'm guessing it's just another QoL suggestion.

20. Tauren is semi-support-semi-baser and I think his power in Ancestral Rage is quite good right now. As a semi-baser I don't think he should be fighting the Titan.

21. Could be possible but I need more feedback from Tauren players.
Atm he's pretty much just a baser which is a real shame since I used to love playing support Tauren, but after receiving MASSIVE nerf hammers and mag getting so many buffs, support Tauren is just in a terrible spot ATM. The meta changing from support tauren/basing hybrid has now changed from basing tauren vs support tauren only if titan is bad. There pretty much are no support tauren players atm, unless titan feeds a tonne of gold.
25. Itemization will fix this thing.

27. Itemization will fix this and following 3 suggestions.
Not sure what you mean by itemization, but sounds like these are just more QoL buffs that makes the game more fun.


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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Remixer » Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:36 pm

I refer to incoming, big scale item update as Itemization (update). It is planned to take place after Panda, Huntress (and possible some other reworks) are finished. Itemization update plans to revisit all Titan items and reviewing them as individual items and as a part of a bigger picture. Itemization's main goals are:
1. Remove mandatory status from certain items (Pearl of Vision, Armor of Fate)
2. Offer more diversity to Titans' items, meaning not all Titans build the same items each game
3. Create practical build paths and increase game-depth when it comes to items.

The big focus is now in Titan items but Builder items will get changes as well. The current plan is to implement Itemization as smaller patches along the way to not cause a huge stir and large-scale shifts suddenly, which would happen if all Titan items were to be changes at once.

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Burn » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:03 am

What do you think about what I am saying? Making the game more fun by QoL changes. The game is never gonna be 100% balanced, might as well make the game a lot more fun for people with small QoL changes. Some balance changes are ofc nice. Some things NEED to be nerfed, like morphling tower damage atm, maybe even tauren tower damage. Pirate megas need a buff, not too sure about this but pirate megas seem incredibly weak, pirate escape ability needs a buff, Ogre bloodlust needs to be 250W, troll's 1000W wall upgrade needs to be 250W.

EDIT: Added new suggestions

- Tauren needs fortified armour in Ancestral Rage, or give a tonne more armour.
- Tauren's ward ability should be able to be researched from RC, instead of enfeeble, which should be in ARC.
- Tauren tower damage lowered by 5 damage in each stage
(buff tauren support, nerf tauren basing)
- Pirate megas damage increased by 10%
- Pirate escape needs a buff, maybe his WW dispels himself from WOTW/stuns/roots/eye of ocean/slows, but is still reveal-able by pearl.
(Pirate atm is just an AFK EB builder)
- Ogre bloodlust needs to be 250W
- Troll's 1000W spiked wall upgrade needs to be 250W.

- Nature's panic doesn't cancel his WW (makes no sense that he can build in WW, but panic cancels WW)
- Basic Storage that gives +2 inventory space should be available in RC


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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby IAmDragon » Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:47 pm

@Burn I’d love to revisit Reddit for a forum if we’d like to, I can get the admin privileges from Neco

Some of these would make the game a bit more fun but at what cost?

Tauren is not going to get fortified anytime soon, he’s currently incredibly strong capable of soloing a mini easily with Ancestral Rage

There’s a lot of changes in one go, I’d like to see this revisited with less, we couldn’t even make this many changes at once if we wanted to, it would throw the game off.

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Burn » Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:56 am

Some of these would make the game a bit more fun but at what cost?
Values can be changed to make the builder less OP. Most of the QoL suggestions were buffs to certain aspects of the builder/titan that aren't what makes the builder/titan OP in the first place.

For example, giving sat g2l in rogue den doesn't make him OP imo, so he doesn't need a nerf to accompany that.
On the other hand, giving Tauren Fortified (only in AR) will make him a strong supporter, but the -5/-10 damage from his enhanced/supers will make him a much weaker solo baser.

No need to make all the changes at once, these are just some that I suggest, although personally I think it'd be fine if all were applied at the same time, since none of my changes suggested actually changes the game that much.

(DotA has a tonne of changes per update with not much problems, especially major updates like shrines which completely changes the game)


28/04/18 suggestions
(buff tauren support, nerf tauren basing)
- Tauren needs fortified armour in Ancestral Rage, or give a tonne more armour.
- Tauren's ward ability should be able to be researched from RC, instead of enfeeble, which should be in ARC.
- Tauren tower damage lowered by 5 damage from enhanced, 10 damage from supers.
- Tauren shouldn't need to research aftershock to get AR.

To prevent staller titans and incentivises staller building tactics:
- End-game suggestion: http://www.islanddefense.org/forum/inde ... pic=3847.0


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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Remixer » Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:08 pm

Could you archive the implemented ones?

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Burn » Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:18 pm

Remixer wrote:@Burn
Could you archive the implemented ones?

Not sure which ones are implemented mate, my wc3 hasn’t been working. feel free to edit it yourself if you’re able to.


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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Ben_T » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:20 pm

@Burn @remixer
- Tauren's ward ability should be able to be researched from RC, instead of enfeeble, which should be in ARC.
- Tauren shouldn't need to research aftershock to get AR.

I agree with these two suggestions, personally I especially think that it should be healing ward in RC and enfeeble in ARC.

However, Burn, I think your end-game scenario mirrors Tree Tag a bit too much. Of course, not the origins of the scenario, but the fact that everything dies so easily and the titan (or in tree tag, infernals) get super buff to give them one last shot. I feel as if it would make Island Defense more of a 'hey lets stall till 60 minutes' instead of getting resources, building a base, and killing titan. It would shift the gameplay so much, I feel it would turn into a different game, but that's just my opinion on the matter.

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Re: Burn's suggestions

Postby Burn » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:17 am

yeah something definitely needs to change to nerf builder stalling if this was implemented.

It’ll be two birds with one stone if we pull it off, killing both titan and builder stalling while of course making the game more exciting with shorter games.

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