As some kind of continuation of my previous Terrain Suggestions and the ramp fix discussion I've revamped quite a huge part of the map (actually a quarter unchanged) - for now.
The Orange parts mark the unchanged areas, this includes 2 lumber bases and top-left of the map.
As you might notice quite a lot has changed - everything outside these orange maps have been checked and redone in the editor, but mostly ended up with same executions since I did not want too drastic change to the old map - with a few exceptions and balancing changes.
The usual bases are marked with B1-B21. The ones that are rounded with a purple rectangular are revamped but kept the 'exact' same - exluding very minor balance changes. I'm going through the changes later on. I decided it would be a good idea to keep the most liked bases the same, and you can say whether I succeeded in it or not, are the correct bases kept?
The other marked bases are usually changed quite a lot, except of B3, B12 and B13. Bases B1, B4, B6, B9, B10, B11 and B13 are created from scratch, meaning they're are completely changed, with very minor features taken from the old bases. B9 and B11 are bases that previously did not exist, or were lumber bases, then again some new lumber bases have also been created. B6 and B10 have been changed, but I really also liked the old bases, and maybe I should revert the changes on those bases? What is your opinion?
The small orange circles that mark the unchanged areas will be reworked, but I am planning to keep their functionality exact the same, I don't see reason to change those areas, they are nice as they are now.
Let's go through the base changes in a list:
B1We all know the reason this got changed. The current top-mid is very superior compared to anything else on the map and needs fix. The entire top-mid areas is too cluttered and needs a revamp in my eyes as well. In my version there's a pathway through the old secret shops, roads leading to the top area, top-left and top-right area. The new top-mid area includes 1 base and 2 potential lumber bases, that can be inhabited easily by 3 builders.
B2Top-left base is very popular and I don't see any particular problem with it. The base remains unchanged, the surroundings however do change. The lumber base is now easier to nuke for the ramp is more to the left - but very marginal changes.
B3This is mostly used as a lumber base but also as a base sometimes. The amount of trees in the base has been increased, but more of the trees are nukeable, especially the left side of the base features trees closer to the middle, and are nukeable. There's also more tower spots less nuke threat at end of the base (for the builder, unless bounced off the seed).
B4This is a base that is largely debated - it's a neat base but it isn't very good. It's easy to nuke and the workers can bounce nukes to all over the base. I took a different approach in my version. I feel like this base is now very superior (my version) and might need to nerf it later. However I think this base is suitable only for late-game, with long-ranged towers as the base supports insane amount of long-range towers.
B5Legendary base, mostly unchanged - with one exception. The right-arm's top part is more to the left, and a layer of trees have been added below the cliff to reduce the vision gained from the base. As this base is very strong in other aspects I think the nerf is justified.
B6Old Euro, I didn't see a huge problem in the old euro, apart from the fact that it had way to much space to build. This version is actually quite similar, but lets see how you guys like it. This base also, supports quite a few tower spots, but it does not have very good lumber basing spot, and thus supports late game basing.
B7A base I tried to create according to the original base. A bit more building base and a walk-through seed at the bottom of the base. Less vision around the lumber basing spot for easier nuking, and thus makes the current version weaker. Pretty similar, but how do you like it? A major difference in the surroundings is that there's a pathway on top of the base, allowing for completely new nuke ranges.
B8I originally changed this base but I felt like the old one suited better so I kept it exactly the same, apart from the fact that I am not sure if hunters can swim around there as easily and the surrounding ramps are now a bit different.
B9A completely new base on the place where there previously was a lumber base. Never really liked the old lumber base as it was just huge and not very nice for the titan to nuke. This version also gives titan more access to the bottom area of the map and thus nerfs the bot-mid base a little.
B10A completely new base, but I feel like I am going to revert the changes, I don't really like the new base, even though it has very unique layout and walling.
B11A new base that previously did not exist - nothing much to say here, how do you like it?
B12This is mostly used as a lumber base even though it should be suited for a base just as well. I changed this a little to support basing better and made the workers easier to nuke.
B13The current bottom-left base just does not work. It's like the opposite of the current top-mid. This base isn't very unique and I think it's too big and odd to be honest, will return to this base later on, any suggestions?
B14This base has been there for ages but barely no one uses it. I increased its size so it's no longer constantly under nuke pressure and decreased the walling pressure. The workers are now further away from the center of the base.
B15This is very popular and strong base and lumber base. The workers are now a lot easier to nuke - the trees are shifted down a little bit to give access for early worker nukes as well, without the need of going all the way behind the base.
B16Not changed yet, but I kinda like this base so I feel no need to change it. The lumber base above it has changed - it has now 2 entrances and there's less vision from the base, so nuking is easier, however I think this is a too big nerf for the base, any suggestions?
B17I honestly never liked this base - it took huge amount of space on the map but the base itself was very small. The entire mountain is smaller now and the base has also been changed, but not much. It supports a bit different walling now and the workers are no longer next to the gold mound, for less easy nuke.
B18I feel this base is very weak at the moment - it has no vision around it and the workers are easily nukeable once a base has settled there. I'll think of something and take feedback for now. Any suggestions?
B19This is not very common base but it gets based from time to time - it's a neat base in my eyes so I dont see a reason to change it.
B20Top-left base is just very strange all together, maybe replace it with a lumber base instead, any suggestions? It is also extremely huge for a base.
B21One of the most popular bases on the map, no need to change this, maybe change the lumbering area a bit for easier, but less nasty nuking.
Seed placement on the map, I'll add some numbers later - a few more seeds but some of the most powerful seeds have been nerfed to counter the effect and balance the seeds all along.
Thanks for your time. Here's the map file: