The thing is, you seem to agree with me
@Telsa, but you aren't willing to see the bigger picture. Due to the community being so small, and therefore every individual that is known, is valued that much more highly, even tho they aren't perticularly good they're still accepted. That creates a chasm between new players and the known ones, and I suspect that this creates the extra toxicity towards new players. And me having chosen not to be a part of this group for obvious reasons, Because I am a player with more than decent skill and a lot of time in the game, I have experienced first hand both being booted from a game when I've died, and seeing the "known" players that make the same mistakes, probably due to laziness in both cases. But of course due to human nature people chose not to see the faults in the people that are in the group, and therefore the known players dont get any toxicity.
I am well aware of the general aggressive behavior on the internet, this is different, in a very specific way. I think it is because of the community being so small. Also I think this issue has existed as long as I can remember in this community. Where even people who aren't known, or who are just average, they still take an absolute dump on new players almost to fit in, and even votekick them sometimes. I request that people try to stay away from that, if we want to have a larger community. And I don't think my issue is that I can't take the shit I get, because I'm part of harsh friendgroups where I don't have an issue with banter, this isnt the same thing. The issue Is a general lack of character shown in the games I play, especially from the "known" players. And I know that people are aware of it, I usually point this out, and notice that people understand the mistakes they're making and change their behavior accordingly.
The issue is not that I am a shit player, and can't accept it, that would've been clear if that was the case. Lets try to have a conversation instead of assuming the worst the worst in each other, and calling each other names.
@lordmillt4 Yes, I am happy that you were decent enough to not make a banrequest, because I don't want to get banned on ENT hosted games for playing titan and actually just trying to win as a titan. I value playing my chill ID games after school, that's why im using my energy to make these posts.
For some reason the intent of players doesn't seem to matter when it comes to handing out bans, which is quite bad in my opinion. My intention was clearly not to ruin the game, or to stall. My intention was to win and to try to play the game as intended. If anything the crying about me suiciding the minute you're so sure that you've won is the real issue in this case. I can't tell you how many games I've played where someone cries about me stalling, and then they make a mistake 5 minutes later, get nuked and I win the game because of it. However that's not as relevant in this case, since the game pretty much only consisted of really good players, and the rewallers had an AFKing demo that shat out healing rocks.
Also, lets be honest, playing titan vs good players, and AFKing in a base with 4 people in it are two entirely different things. Lets please change the attitude in the community, and be honest about the fact that playing demo, basically just sitting in a corner, or most builders for that matter, isn't very hard in the general pub game.