Civilization Wars: Map Development

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Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:36 am

Hi all civ wars fan and friends,

the current version we play on the (Ent16) bot is called final, but it actually is a 4-5 year old beta. Since i was never satisfied with this release as the last official one, i contacted the former mappers (Dangime, Terrabull and X.G.Death3) and asked for permission to continue their work, which they gave me. But my knowledge about the wc3 editor was too low to make something properly (properly = what the game in my opinion deserves), so i allowed Civiliznations to edit the map. Sadly it seems he lost interest, although he did some promising betas.
There have been different approaches to gain a platform again, like the reddit forum ( and one for the wc3 version only (, but activty is very low there, not to say zero.

Since the Ent bot is the only autohosting one left on battlenet, i would like to try to find someone who is capable to make a new release. If you are reading this and feel interested in the "job", contact me.

Warning: Flaming and complaining community is guaranteed.

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby hark » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:38 am

contact me raptor, its NoZ

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:56 am

Do you have anything to offer besides telling me to contact you ?
I didn't find any jhark89 on Steam.

And if you are Noz, what are those accounts?

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby Krayyzie » Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:00 pm

The map doesnt get better, problem is it lacks good players who are interested in keeping the civilization wars community alive, there´s been several attemps to make the map better, but they all failed, and will prolly do again, best way to make this game better would be to help players learn the way the map works, what they need to do to get advantages, different ways to defend pushes/swing lanes/dont waste lots of gold and play as a team.
Since this is a teamgame, the pub games are usually extremely low level, because 1 or 2 players who doesnt communicateo r know how to play the game easily makes it really bad.

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:29 pm

I agree the map is hard to learn and the community isn't very helpful there, typically one team is stacked, i've lost so many games because i knew before and should't have played. :cry: :roll:

But the consequence from new no players and no more updates on the map is the game won't be played anymore. Is that what you want?

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby Krayyzie » Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:54 am

nah, just saying the map is very well balanced overall, one of the better maps in wc3, and there is a very small chance any update of the map will be better(most likely not even close to as balanced as it is now). Would be better if there was some focus of getting the community back by helping people understand how to play it since the map is fine as it is...

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:04 am

I just have the feeling the community likes to stay with the status quo. The current version is not bugfree and instabile when someone leaves the game:

Some known bugs:
- build limit becomes negative after the outer towers get destroyed on the top or bottom lane, instead of being lifted for the middle as it should be, it becomes impossible to build on the other lane.


- it is possible to forfeit after the enemy team has left, so instead of ending up in a win for the remaining team, making it possible to lose on purpose.
- the multiboard vanishes sometimes after custom modes are being iniated.
- the starting granary can be detonated.

Also there has never been found a solution about "pulling", since it's built into the AI of the Warcraft 3 editor and can't be fixed unless someone wants to break in. So it's all up to a gentleman agreement to not do it.

There are some things that is common knowledge not to build unless someone has no clue or plasy for fun, and other stuff everyone goes for (Bazar ftw), which could be worked on.

And Clan pope, mentioned in the loading screen as a channel to play inhouse games, was disbanded more than 1 year ago.

About new players and how pros deal with them: I would appreciate if someone from the staff would play this game and joins from time to time and enforces the rules, i often feel we should be nicer.

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby I_kill_satan » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:57 pm

Hey there,

Ye there are highly appriciated to fix that bugs incl. pulling (but intentional pulling could be considered as glitch using and banned so maybe its not a problem).

But no need to fix balance, maybe just make bazar a bit more expensive.

Imo, no need revolutionary balance changes. The unpopularity of map could be result of lack of advertising and community activity. Also this map is not easy to play cuz require high cooperation of all team so not much players can handle it. This game is for limited target segment of players only.

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:10 pm

If it's just me who likes to see updates and the rest of the community does not, i'm ok to stay with the current version.
But don't ever complain you lost because of bug or that the map is outdated. ^^

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby I_kill_satan » Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:58 am

I guess we are glad to see that bugs fixed and new splash screen also but major balance changes not needed (maybe only minor ones) :)

Previously a lot of balancing work were already done so why should we cross out it

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:24 pm

Should i just upload the open version here and see what happens? ^^

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby nabo. » Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:28 pm


CW currently has about 350 games a week.

Want an announcement seeking help from available and interested map makers/editors?
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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:50 pm

I don't know if 350 games a week is much or not, but if there is anyone else besides me who likes to see updates on the map.
An announcement like "Interested in updates? Are you willing and can you take over the map?" + the link here or mention there a this topic on our forum.

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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby nabo. » Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:24 pm

@raptorXI an announcement has been added.
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Re: Civilization Wars: Map Development

Postby RaptorXI » Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:18 am

Sup guys, I'm not very active anymore but feel free to use this:

I made it a long while back and was never implemented. I'll be sure to stop by soon.


I assume i may use this loading screen for a new version?

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