Please remove nabo's rights for abusing bans

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Please remove nabo's rights for abusing bans

Postby cheesepies » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:23 am

Your Warcraft III username:
Why are you banned:
Why you should be unbanned:
Replay Link: ... 800185.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] Castle Fight! #81
Your Warcraft III Username: Tonttu
Violator's Warcraft III Username: cheesepies
Violated Rule(s): Harassing, overuse of votekick, unsportsmanlike behaviour
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): ~26 minutes
Any further thoughts: User ScheenerWeemer did in fact try to teamkill, but it wasnt visible to west team and did not happen until cheesepies harassed him. After this cheesepies together with user Gotterdammerung continued to harass everybody in the game. cheesepies toxic player and should consider a (short) ban for him.

I can't believe I was banned for this, You have no idea what is going on. In every game I took the effort to guide new players along, but they got annoyed just when I asked them to build a specific building. YES AS EASILY AS THAT, some just refuse to build because of it. they could spam level 1 buildings or towers all the way just to piss you off. They could idle for 1000+ gold and the other team do not give a damn because it was a advantages for them. Who wouldn't be pissed off? It's not like I fuck them without even putting in efforts in guiding them but they have too much worthless pride without knowing when to use it. they are bunch of immature kiddos.

Being banned for this is way too ridiculous. Grow some brain admin and put yourself in my shoe. Don't listen to one sided story, most people who play CF knows me and knew I'm a team player. That conversation that you read was not the entire story, Ask for a replay at least see what did that kid did.. He must have idle on purpose and made things up that he wasn't afk and refuse to build. Forcing my team to lose. I will never do a unreasonable -vk just due to a noob.

Again grow some brain ask for replay at least.. don't go around ban good players just due to a conversation that can hardly reflect the actual situation. fucked up way of doing things,
Last edited by cheesepies on Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby nabo. » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:25 am

Ever read our general rule section regarding votekick?

You dont solve teamwork or communication problems by votekicking people.
Clan High@useast

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby cheesepies » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:27 am

Explain to me how it can be solved? that dude probably refuse to build at 1000+ gold. He did it on purpose.. Please advice how I should solve this problem? Just wait and lose?

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby nabo. » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:30 am

(38:12 / All) cheesepies: please report me
(38:26 / Allied) NicoW: loooolll !!!
(38:27 / All) cheesepies: and tell the admin I said.. "Pity your mom, for giving birth a coward like you"

I got this message as you wanted.
You say you know more about the game since you played it. Ok, I can agree.

Now, go watch it and tell me how each !votekick you did is legit according to our general rule:
Clan High@useast

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby cheesepies » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:39 am

Cmon, stop your nonsense man. You don't get what I mean? All the VK I did was legit, one player in my team tried to ruin the game by refusing to build, He have 1000+ gold.. It's a handicap match 3 v 2. Now tell me is a vote kick against him reasonable?

(38:27 / All) cheesepies: and tell the admin I said.. "Pity your mom, for giving birth a coward like you"

For this I admit I am rude for saying this but how can you not get pissed off when the other team wants a handicap match? They knew they are going to win fast due to a player refuse to build. is that fair? that they just ignore it and carry on? they are part of it, ruining the game by playing unfairly.

Do you even understand what i'm saying? Please request for a replay next time before you even ban someone.. that shows how silly and inexperience you are. The whole story can be seen differently just by reading the conversation ONLY. You ever wonder why he posted the logs instead of the replay? that's because once you see the replay you will know I who use -vk on a team mate who has 1000 gold and not afk refused to build. - Legit Votekick

And the other team who are aware of our situation mocked at it and ignored it.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby nabo. » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:51 am

Refuse to build and hold 1000 gold when?
Tell me the corresponding replay time and ill watch it now.

(26:43 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee
(28:01 / All) cheesepies: !votekick sheer
(30:14 / All) cheesepies: !Votekick Schee
(32:06 / All) cheesepies: !votekick Scheen
(37:03 / All) cheesepies: !votekick tonttu
(40:42 / Allied) cheesepies: !votekick schee
(42:43 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee
(43:59 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee
(51:47 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee
(54:05 / QUIT) NicoW: Disconnect
(54:22 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee

You tell people to do something and continue to vk them. Thats trying to guide?
Clan High@useast

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby cheesepies » Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:12 pm

are you blind or something? or refuse to accept what's been said but just copy paste those vote kick.. stop trolling man nabo. why can't you just accept your dumb and foolish and unban me. just improve yourself grow some brain. stop trolling me I dont have time for this man .

(26:25 / Allied) cheesepies: u have 900 gold
(26:26 / Allied) cheesepies: please
(26:27 / Allied) cheesepies: upgrade
(26:43 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee <---- I waited for 26 Seconds and he still refused to build when he have so much gold.
(26:45 / Allied) ScheenerWeemer: its not <-- he finally respond when I did a vk, when I asked him to upgrade he did not respond.
(26:45 / All) cheesepies: kick pelase AFK
(26:45 / Allied) Gotterdammerung: !yes <-- Team mate witnessed it.
(26:45 / All) cheesepies: PINK U HAVE 1100 GOLD? <- He have 1100 gold
(26:45 / All) NicoW: !yes
(26:45 / All) cheesepies: WHAT THE FUCK U DOING
(26:45 / All) ScheenerWeemer: just more 200g <- he still wanted to wait for 200g more.
(26:45 / All) cheesepies: BLue !yes please
(26:45 / All) cheesepies: WTF?
(26:45 / All) Gotterdammerung: yes it <- team mate got pissed too
(26:49 / All) Gotterdammerung: kick
(27:58 / All) cheesepies: KICK PIN KPLEASE
(27:59 / All) cheesepies: 800 gold again <-- after Pink used up the 1000+ gold he wait for 800 gold again.
(29:13 / All) Gotterdammerung: kick him or draw <- team mate got pissed too for the handicap match requesting to kick or draw.
(29:58 / All) cheesepies: HE IS TRYING TO ANNOY USNOW
(30:04 / All) cheesepies: HE BUILT 12 ICY TOWER <- he went to build 12 ICY TOWER at the top right corner wasting all the gold

Like I said he do not dare to show you the replay.. you should be so naive listen to the one sided story. Is there any other higher ranked admin I can speak to? Nabo is abusing his authority and trying to feign. Is there still any other higher ranked admin I can discuss this with?

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Re: Please remove nabo's rights for abusing bans

Postby chowdertailz » Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:18 pm

saving money is not only a waste of potential income increase but as well as a lot of pushing power especially going against nature. votekick seems justifiable to me.

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Re: Ban Appeal

Postby nabo. » Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:21 pm

What replay? Replays are saved on our server....the fk u talking about? ... 800185.w3g

At 26:40, pink had 1100 gold, then 10-15seconds later he spends all ...
How is this afk or refuse build?

Where people build or what they build is a question of noob or pro = not relevant to votekick.

I know pink and gray could have played better, but does not mean you can just vk.

Instead of getting mad, you should try to communicate better. If he is not as good as you, lead him better? You shouldnt spam vks.

(29:33 / All) ScheenerWeemer: Player [cheesepies] is saving the game.
(29:34 / Saving game ?) cheesepies: Save game.

Dont save ingame(general rule).

You complain about this noob, yet you guys won the game:

(31:29 / All) cheesepies: kick him
(31:31 / All) cheesepies: dont be a coward
(31:43 / All) cheesepies: fucking report you Tonttu
(31:45 / All) cheesepies: u fucking
(32:22 / All) cheesepies: pity your mom
(32:26 / All) cheesepies: giving birth a coward like u
(32:34 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee

(46:45 / All) cheesepies: gonna fuck him up next time I see him
(46:52 / All) cheesepies: i will let the others know about his mom story too
(47:09 / All) ScheenerWeemer: i think u never fucked something^^
(47:29 / All) ScheenerWeemer: ANNOUNCEMENT: Tip: Host on our free public hosting service by typing /w Clan.Enterprise !help
(47:30 / Allied) hazzimir_43: me
(47:30 / All) cheesepies: i dont think I will ever see u again pink
(47:31 / Allied) NicoW: r
(47:33 / Allied) NicoW: rs
(47:34 / Allied) Tonttu: ok
(47:44 / All) ScheenerWeemer: just a game
(47:44 / All) cheesepies: u r just a troll.. came in to have fun and ruin your team mate's game
(47:48 / All) ScheenerWeemer: and see? we win
(48:02 / All) cheesepies: not gonna to give a fuck to u man.. But i will definietly see that pussy red again in the future
(48:40 / Allied) cheesepies: pinjk
(48:41 / All) ScheenerWeemer: our hydra
(48:42 / Allied) cheesepies: build human shrine
(48:47 / Allied) cheesepies: pink build human shrine
(48:49 / Allied) ScheenerWeemer: dont talk to me
(48:53 / Allied) cheesepies: what?
(48:56 / Allied) cheesepies: im your team mate
(48:59 / Allied) cheesepies: look
(49:02 / Allied) ScheenerWeemer: u votekicked me
(49:04 / Allied) cheesepies: we are in the same team
(49:04 / All) NicoW: fast hydra ;)
(49:11 / All) ScheenerWeemer: yeah
(49:16 / Allied) cheesepies: they will be the only one laughing..
(49:17 / Allied) cheesepies: at us
(49:23 / Allied) cheesepies: cmon man pink
(49:25 / Allied) cheesepies: we need to win this
(50:35 / Allied) Gotterdammerung: rs
(51:02 / Allied) cheesepies: pink get human shrine
(51:03 / Allied) cheesepies: 550
(51:47 / All) cheesepies: !votekick schee

Fix your attitude. Cut down your flaming.

Approved this time.
Clan High@useast

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