Your Warcraft III username: Rangeban (this probably means more to you than it does to me)
Realm/Gateway: useast
Why are you banned: God hates me? You hate me? I'm not really sure.
Why you should be unbanned: Here's the deal: I'm unable to join games of the ent19 bot, hosting battleships, but have not experienced this issue with any other [ENT] bots. This is what I see when I try to join an ent19 game:
User: Rangeban
Admin: camrioleur
tid: 54839
Gamename: (this is blank)
I am hoping this means something to you, as I would like to play battleships with my brother, but I do not want to change ip's and dodge the Rangeban, as this seems to be frowned upon. Anyway, let me know what this means/what I can do about it if you'd like.
Moderator: ENT Staff
Re: Rangeban
Hi, I don't really have a regular username. I do have a regular IP though, which I hope/assume that you can see as I post this. I just like making new funny names to joke around with my friends as I play with them, which I think is totally fine, but if that's against the rules tell me and I'll stop.
If for some reason I need to pick and stick with one name for the purposes of playing ships, I'll do that, but it's never been an issue in the past
Thanks for your reply!
If for some reason I need to pick and stick with one name for the purposes of playing ships, I'll do that, but it's never been an issue in the past
Thanks for your reply!
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