Return of the Rangeban?

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Return of the Rangeban?

Postby lolships » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:44 am

Your Warcraft III username: Rangeban...?
Realm/Gateway: usually east
Why are you banned: I don't know what "Reason: tid=54839" means, or why I have this rangeban.
Why you should be unbanned: Well, I had this problem only a few days ago, and someone removed the rangeban. Now it is back, and I once more do not understand what it is or why it is here. Last time no one explained what it meant to me, they just fixed it. That thread can be found here: ... ps#p226523

So, perhaps someone can explain what is going on! The scenario is just as before - the ban only applies to battleships, and reads something like:

Sorry, but you are currently banned.
Username: rangeban
Admin: Cambrioleur
Reason: tid=54839

Thanks for your help, and please tell me if there is something I can do to stop this from happening.

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Re: Return of the Rangeban?

Postby getstomped » Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:13 am

@lolships can you put the information it asks for instead of writing "Your Warcraft III username: Rangeban...?"
Your = Belonging (ex. Your hat, your hero)
You're = You are (ex. You're banned)

There = Location (ex. Get there fast)
Their = Belonging (ex. Their hero, their item)
They're = They are (ex. They're not helping, They're banned)

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Re: Return of the Rangeban?

Postby AIDSHammer » Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:26 am

What more information could he put? He doesn't know why he's banned. He's my brother, this has happened to him before, randomly... he really shouldn't be banned.


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Re: Return of the Rangeban?

Postby lolships » Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:35 am

My friends and I make different names to joke around with each other. I play from the same computer every time, and I do not change my ip or anything like that. I apologize, but I have no idea what username this rangeban is associated with, since there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO information as to what username the ban is concerning, what rule the ban is for, or anything to that effect. I am honestly very confused about how I keep getting banned by the ent19 bot, but the ent19 bot doesn't know who I am or why I'm banned. Me and the other bots hang out all the time, and it's totally chill. >:|

Anyways, if for some reason, which I now understand that you will never tell me, I need to keep one name for the ent19 bot, I guess I can try to do that.
I apologize for not knowing what name I was playing on when I was affected by the rampaging range ban, acting for unknown reasons and not taking note of its victims.

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Re: Return of the Rangeban?

Postby Stealer » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:41 am

Your "regular ip" changed after 12 days ....

the ban is spek-nl.

changed ips on the whitelist.

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