got ban for votekicking player just following ent afk 5minute rule !!!!! pls a\un-ban just following the rule .....

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got ban for votekicking player just following ent afk 5minute rule !!!!! pls a\un-ban just following the rule .....

Postby 13o0]V[ » Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:56 pm

Your Warcraft III username: eLBIMBo
Why are you banned: for votekicking afk player
Why you should be unbanned: we are just following the rule if anyone is afk for 5 minutes votekick , player will start to move and afk again for more than 5 mins votekick rule ..... The enemy should say something like brb in five so the rule will not followed .... if we dint votekick we get ban now we follow rule we still get ban ? cmon guys ....

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Re: got ban for votekicking player just following ent afk 5minute rule !!!!! pls a\un-ban just following the rule .....

Postby Hutzu » Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:42 pm

@13o0]V[ Are you serious? Check the link provided by Mariah and hopefully reconsider your response.

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