Possible mistake?

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Possible mistake?

Postby chainzaw » Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:59 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Che
Realm/Gateway: Azeroth/US East
Why are you banned: No idea
Why you should be unbanned: I have been busy lately so I haven't been on much. I decided to come on after taking a bit of a break but find myself banned. It says I'm range banned even though I have not been on, hence why I have no idea why I was banned. Looking through the processed requests I've only found old requests which were denied and a single request to "The_Che". It might've all been a mistake, but I have no idea.

In short, I have no idea why I am banned.
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Re: Possible mistake?

Postby Merex » Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:06 pm

Che@useast.battle.net whitelisted.

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