Unfair ban

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Unfair ban

Postby uploader » Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:04 am

Your Warcraft III username: uploader
Realm/Gateway: europe
Why are you banned: same IP with the guy who got banned
Why you should be unbanned: Didn't violate any rules.

Hello guys,

My brother got banned within this topic: https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.p ... 08#p285908

I still got 5 days ban, can you make bans per nick or probably ban on the server that he violeted the rules?

Im not sure why he got the ban because from votekick rules there is the following rule: You are responsible for your own vote. Voting for something means you agree with it. You are accountable for what happens with your vote. So telling team to !yes is not against any rule I guess?

Also the guy who reported violeted rules too and he didnt got any ban? Some copy/paste from the chatlog:
- (14:10 / Allied) MingeUnhinged: nah, you're just a fucking idiot
- (18:12 / Allied) MingeUnhinged: !slap LuckyBear is a fag
- (20:19 / Allied) MingeUnhinged: loads of fags on here tonight

So I guess the followed votekick by red wasnt random...

Thank you for your time and please reconsider unbanning 1[b]g since votekick against red wasn't random.


Re: Unfair ban

Postby Mercy » Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:11 pm

His ban is due to his history. I won't be revoking your brother's ban. He has a history of toxicity, and if he wants to appeal it, he can come here and explain the following:

1) Why he did not vote to kick the person who was ghosting him information?
2) Why he refused to kick him overall
3) Why he continues this behavior even after quite a few requests against him.

As a rule, unless under different circumstances, special circumstances, we DO NOT ban original posters.


He posts his own appeal and he may get unbanned. Can't make any guarantees, it's up to him.

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