10-day-ban without reaon

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10-day-ban without reaon

Postby pope » Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:13 pm

Your Warcraft III username: themessi / godfatherendwar
Realm/Gateway: all
Why are you banned: no idea
Why you should be unbanned: dont know, what i should have done to deserve a 10-day-ban already

hi guys,

all my acc´s are banned, so i guess its depending on my ip. i played last game on 27.12 last year and i m very sure, i played unfair or something liek that. i was never banned before and i cant imagine, why i was banned now.

pls unban me or at least tell my the reason why/ how long this ban holds on.....

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Re: 10-day-ban without reaon

Postby pope » Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:24 pm

btw. is it normal, i am banned at all ENT - games?

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Re: 10-day-ban without reaon

Postby getstomped » Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:47 pm


@pope @hyo

it appears you were banned for game ruining. Check the link above and comment here.
Your = Belonging (ex. Your hat, your hero)
You're = You are (ex. You're banned)

There = Location (ex. Get there fast)
Their = Belonging (ex. Their hero, their item)
They're = They are (ex. They're not helping, They're banned)

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Re: 10-day-ban without reaon

Postby pope » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:29 pm

did somebody looked the replay?
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 860946.w3g

we waitin long time for games, sometimes it takes hours. and if u have bad players, that dont wanna listen. its useless to continue playing, cuz they ruin game. so it is normal to kick newbies, that dont wanna listen.

so if u decide like that, u can kick everybody on CivWars, cuz that kinda way to act is usual.
btw i didnt refuse to play. if u watched the replay correctly u can see, that i keep up teching and just dont attack my lane, which was never in danger. my side (bottom) was the one, who let himself killed. i tried to defend, when i noticed, he let break his lane.

why dont u let people decide, who know the game and the community? cuz like we-give-up-u-win already said:
"After watching the replay, I don't think the votekicking warrants a ban. Perhaps the first votekick was a little premature but it was already clear their top would not take instruction and had troubles understanding them. On the other hand, vwgfwoonwynwoov refused to votekick their top even when it was clear he was ruining a game. Per the rules, refusing to votekick a game ruiner (which includes a new player not listening) is bannable. So instead of banning the other players who don't deserve it, I propose vwgfwoonwynwoov gets banned because he pulls this all the time on different names. Right now I have seen him active on names including vwgfwoonwynwoov, wwwwwwwwwwwwwww, zhwot. Every so often this guy becomes active and ruins game after game so please if anybody gets banned, ban him."

and he is one of the experienced, good players, that know game and players (community) for long time

i guess its too late, cuz ban ends soon, but u may should think about ur rules, cuz if u´ll decide that way, nobody will play this game any longer cuz noone waits an hour for a game, that is always ruined by noobs. and if u are not allowed to kick them, as long as they do something (as stupid as it may be), every game is f*****.

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Re: 10-day-ban without reaon

Postby pope » Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:43 pm

so with same replay, i got banned, i apply for banning tskim (the one who wanted my ban).

the reason is game ruining, cuz he refuse to kick a game-ruiner, which is, like we-give-up-u-win said, also reason for banning.

in the end it wasnt the most fair game in the history, but if we got banned, he deserves ban as well.

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Re: 10-day-ban without reaon

Postby Jabba41 » Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:00 pm

@pope If you want to report him, please post a banrequest. Thank you.
Send me your best Sloth pictures for instant unban*

*individual results may vary

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Re: 10-day-ban without reaon

Postby HazarDous » Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:29 am

Ban expired earlier today.

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