Unban me plz

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Unban me plz

Postby primesure » Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:43 am

Your Warcraft III username: Internals@Asia
Realm/Gateway: asia.battle.net
Why are you banned: https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.p ... ls#p334684
I am suspected of using 3rd party multi box program.
Why you should be unbanned:
We never use multi box program. These recent replays are our proof.

http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 425566.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 425387.w3g
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 424883.w3g

I don't think one guy can chat like that. We are just roommate and always play together.
I will wait for reply.
Thanks you.


Re: Unban me plz

Postby Larz » Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:51 am

@primesure the problem is if you are playing on opposing teams you two get unfair advantages of seeing the full map. multi boxing can be playing with a friend and one friend feeds the other giving an unfair advantage to one team

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Re: Unban me plz

Postby primesure » Sun Mar 20, 2016 5:00 am

We never play like that.. We always play together on the same team. You can see that on my statistics.
Also, we have good skill so we don't need to play like that.
We never used multi-box or something before. I play with desktop, and frenchfry(my friend) play with labtop in same network.

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Re: Unban me plz

Postby HazarDous » Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:21 am


Some guy randomly appears, with no prior game played on ENT, and all he does is play with you? Never plays alone? Oh and whenever his ELO gets a little high, he switches to a new account?

Before I personally look into this case, I'm going to advice you to tell me the truth right now, because if I start investigating and do confirm multi-boxing, you can be sure any further appeal will not be considered.

Truth is your best option here.

Furthermore, any proof he is not you? How does the replay you provided qualify as proofs of your innocence?

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Re: Unban me plz

Postby primesure » Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:01 am

We just want to make one account's elo higher.
That's why we created new account when former account get little higher elo.
We thought it is not breaking rule.

Below is chat log from replay which I linked. (http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 425566.w3g)

Code: Select all

(04:32 / Allied) Internals: you call me fucker?
(04:35 / Allied) Internals: i will sell all
(04:36 / Allied) Internals: idiot
(04:41 / Allied) frenchfry: yeah
(04:43 / Allied) frenchfry: do it
(04:44 / Allied) frenchfry: i dont care
(04:48 / Allied) Internals: ?
(04:50 / Allied) Internals: fuck you
(05:15 / Allied) Phell0x: when we send?
(05:15 / Allied) frenchfry: idiot
(05:17 / Allied) frenchfry: idiot~
(05:18 / Allied) frenchfry: ?
(05:23 / Allied) frenchfry: why didnt send purp
(05:31 / Allied) frenchfry: only you didnt send
(05:44 / Allied) frenchfry: fucking red is just late for level 3
(05:50 / Allied) frenchfry: but you didnt
(05:55 / Allied) frenchfry: so you are fucker
(05:58 / Allied) Internals: ignore him
(06:00 / Allied) Internals: he is idiot
(06:01 / Allied) frenchfry: stfu
(06:01 / Allied) Phell0x: :o
(06:11 / Allied) Trump-420-16: i think red is the biggest noob here
(06:13 / Allied) Trump-420-16: 15 val
(06:16 / Allied) Trump-420-16: gg
(06:20 / Allied) Internals: damn
(06:31 / Allied) Internals: i will leave
(06:38 / Allied) frenchfry: do it
(06:42 / Allied) Internals: fuck you
(06:51 / Allied) Internals: i will leave after kill you
(06:53 / All) Internals: ANNOUNCEMENT: Tip: Type !lms to check your Legion TD Mega player statistics.
(07:37 / Allied) Trump-420-16: so good i forgot overseer
(07:41 / Allied) frenchfry: idiot
(07:48 / Allied) frenchfry: 4 leak is not big dela
(08:08 / Allied) Trump-420-16: -hero
(08:23 / Allied) frenchfry: what is it
(08:26 / Allied) frenchfry: you fucking
(08:27 / Allied) frenchfry: idiot
(08:30 / Allied) Internals: whaa?
(08:34 / Allied) Trump-420-16: alright then
(08:35 / Allied) Trump-420-16: w/e
(08:45 / Allied) Trump-420-16: why didnt we just dino on 4?
(08:51 / Allied) Internals: whaaaaaa?
(09:08 / Allied) Trump-420-16: there is nothing more por that lv 4 dino
(09:15 / Allied) Internals: waaaaaaaaaaaa?
(09:19 / Allied) frenchfry: ah
(09:19 / Allied) frenchfry: fuck
(09:19 / Allied) Phell0x: pantalonas?
(09:20 / Allied) frenchfry: you
(09:21 / Allied) frenchfry: shut up
(09:22 / Allied) Miszczu: no hrlp king
(09:26 / Allied) Trump-420-16: eat a bag of dicks
(09:32 / Allied) epicpowda11: nah svae were good
(10:07 / Allied) Trump-420-16: -hero
(10:28 / Allied) Internals: this fucking noob
(10:30 / Allied) Internals: upgrade 7/4
(10:31 / Allied) Internals: haha
(10:33 / Allied) Trump-420-16: 7/4 when we have this
(10:34 / Allied) Internals: idiot
(10:43 / Allied) Trump-420-16: and no immo
(10:44 / Allied) Internals: blue is
(10:45 / All) Internals: [Calm] has refilled [Internals]'s cookie jar. [Internals] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(10:45 / Allied) Internals: idiot
(10:46 / Allied) Internals: fucking
(10:47 / All) Internals: Use !ignore <playername> to ignore players (for example, if they are flaming); partial names work. Don't flame back!
(10:47 / Allied) Internals: idiot
(10:47 / Allied) Trump-420-16: this goin be rough
(10:57 / Allied) epicpowda11: -hero
(11:14 / Allied) Internals: leak level 6
(11:15 / Allied) Internals: idiot~
(11:19 / Allied) frenchfry: !ignore internals
(11:22 / All) Internals: Miszczu has left the game voluntarily.
(11:22 / QUIT) Miszczu: Left
(11:30 / Allied) Trump-420-16: lol
(12:24 / Allied) Trump-420-16: no bos
(12:37 / Allied) Internals: idiot
(12:38 / Allied) Internals: fucking
(12:39 / Allied) Internals: idiotp
(12:41 / All) Internals: [Calm] has refilled [Internals]'s cookie jar. [Internals] now has three cookies (try !eat)!
(12:41 / Allied) Internals: idiot~

Seriously, I don't think this chat can be typed by one man.
Furthermore, is there any reason one guy act 2 players if he use multi-box program?
That can be only possible when he knows someone is monitoring him, and knows using multi-box is breaking the rule.
But we didn't even know using multi-box is breaking the rule before we got banned.

Sorry for my bad English.

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Re: Unban me plz

Postby AmnoN » Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:29 pm

@primesure That is evidence that you do not multi-box? The language is pretty much the same and there is never any overlap in your speaking. Also, it is not hard to spam and you appeared to be in a trolling mood, from looking at the chat earlier in the game when you spammed "no" over and over (too long of a gap between spamming it to be two people).

Further, if you use that game as an example - look at round 1 when everything was alternated - Blue built the archer then red selected builder and made 2x skellies, THEN blue made the 2x delays (0 overlap).

Overall, your explanation does not exactly look very convincing, on top of what @Hazardous commented.

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Re: Unban me plz

Postby AmnoN » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:03 pm

Further notes:
0:00 <Internals> 0x60: [Chat command] -zoom 200
0:00 <Internals> 0x60: [Chat command] -hero

0:02 <frenchfry> 0x60: [Chat command] -zoom 200
0:03 <frenchfry> 0x60: [Chat command] -hero

0:05 <Internals> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Town], 0x0000118400001184
0:05 <Internals> 0x17: Assign group 5: 0x0000118400001184
0:05 <Internals> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Barracks], 0x0000116F0000116F
0:05 <Internals> 0x17: Assign group 2: 0x0000116F0000116F
0:06 <Internals> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Advanced Barracks], 0x0000119D0000119D
0:07 <Internals> 0x17: Assign group 3: 0x0000119D0000119D

0:09 <frenchfry> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Town], 0x000011B2000011B2
0:09 <frenchfry> 0x17: Assign group 5: 0x000011B2000011B2
0:09 <frenchfry> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Barracks], 0x000011E0000011E0
0:09 <frenchfry> 0x17: Assign group 2: 0x000011E0000011E0
0:09 <frenchfry> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Advanced Barracks], 0x000011CB000011CB
0:09 <frenchfry> 0x17: Assign group 3: 0x000011CB000011CB
0:27 <frenchfry> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Paladin], 0x000057FB00001B17
0:29 <frenchfry> 0x11: Point order: [Archer] (X: -6208.00, Y: 3392.00, flags: 0x0004)
0:33 <Internals> 0x10: Immediate order: [Shadow] (flags: 0x0040)
0:38 <Internals> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Shadow], 0x00006D0000002068
0:40 <Internals> 0x11: Point order: [Bone Warrior] (X: -6208.00, Y: 2240.00, flags: 0x0004)
0:43 <Internals> 0x11: Point order: [Bone Warrior] (X: -6080.00, Y: 2240.00, flags: 0x0004)
0:44 <frenchfry> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Archer], 0x00006D30000020FF
0:45 <frenchfry> 0x10: Immediate order: [Elite Archer] (flags: 0x0040)
0:48 <frenchfry> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Paladin], 0x000057FB00001B17
0:48 <frenchfry> 0x11: Point order: [Peasant] (X: -5312.00, Y: 1280.00, flags: 0x0004)
0:51 <frenchfry> 0x11: Point order: [Peasant] (X: -6080.00, Y: 512.00, flags: 0x0005)

This is from the replay that Internals provided as evidence that Internals did not do it: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 425566.w3g

Note: Both have same subgroups - done at alternating times. Same zoom (200). Look at building order and alternating.

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Re: Unban me plz

Postby primesure » Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:03 am

Well, if our chat can not be evidence, then subgroup and zoom distance can not be evidence by same logic.
It seems you guys just don't want believe us.

Good day to you, and we will never play ent game again :) fuck off dictators. Do block all of our ip or something xD


Re: Unban me plz

Postby Larz » Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:05 am


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Re: Unban me plz

Postby HazarDous » Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:06 am


Your logic does not make sense. Not only does he consider your chat as evidence, but he considers it as a proof that you do multi-box.

Regardless, appeal denied.

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Re: Unban me plz

Postby HazarDous » Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:20 pm


Upon further review of the ban request, I have found evidence denying usage of multi-boxing.

While I do feel bad for the situation that has occured, and the mistake commited by ENT for banning you, I also need to tell you that reacting like you did in an appeal is not going to get you anywhere in any circumstances in your life.

I would personally have reviewed the evidence against you had you not reacted the way you did.

Again, I apology for our mistake. You are unbanned.

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