Ban appeal

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Ban appeal

Postby probusk » Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:14 pm

Your Warcraft III username:

Europe and US east

Why are you banned:
!ignore command

Why you should be unbanned:
It's all right to give tips and suggestions towards your teammates builds, but in my opinion you should respect if the other player deciedes to go with their own feel, and not take your suggestion. If you however every single game you play with them say the same thing over and over, it can get annoying, and thats when i rarely, but sometimes would use the ignore function and focus on the team rather than tilt or get annoyed over such things.
Its all right to give tips - but dont keep on bugging me with it if i do not decide to finally go with it.

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Re: Ban appeal

Postby Vendeta » Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:33 pm

You could just say "let me build my way" instead of just using !ignore on 2 players from your team.

Although, your build turned out to be much worse than what we suggested you to do.

Anyway, with you ignoring 2 players (for nothing) it resulted in your solo upg king, when we were saving for send, and you saved wood, when we needed to upg king. You couldnt know what to do, which is clear teamkill which came from ignoring us in the first place.

You are looking to justify your actions, but u cant justify it.
D.S. 1989

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Re: Ban appeal

Postby Albi » Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:27 pm

unbanning you this time, considering you've played a lot of games and i hope you will avoid doing this in the future, next time i won't be lenient

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