Ban Appeal Sh4dY-

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Ban Appeal Sh4dY-

Postby Sh4dY- » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:52 am

Your Warcraft III username: Sh4dY-
Why are you banned: Refusing to votekick TID 124064
Why you should be unbanned:

- The associated ban request is the following: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=124103&p=481798&hilit=sh4dy#p481798
- Short summary: Legion TD: Our team (west) didnt votekick a player of the east team, while all 3 players from east voted yes. Nobody in my team voted with !yes. Nevertheless, only I got banned because I stated my point of view and the opposite players got angry and created this ban request for me. Even if the ban is valid, why dont all players in my team get the ban?
- I got banned for refusing to votekicking a player that did "solo-sending".

What happened exactly?
- In round 2, green sent and forced his team to send with him. How should we know green was solo sending? People cry so much in LTD and since they all sent, it just looked like a normal valid send.
- The same thing happened in our team. Purple sent round 2 and forced us to send with him aswell.
- Green sent 1 milita round 3. Thats obviously a solosend. But just 1 Militia.
- In round 7 they all sent as a team. Green sent with them. So he obviously learned from his mistakes.
- In round 8 they resent, and green sent with them again. Again, he learend from his mistakes.
- Green sent some militias round 9 again. Why? Their team sent on 8, and orange sent 2 Militia too late. So there were still some Militia in the sending area for round 9. Green obv saw those creeps and thought he needs to send like the rounds before (he just sent small stuff, Militia and Ghoul). Maybe this is a solo send. In my opnion he just did what his team told him to do.

The rules say the following:
It is possible to game ruin by being new. In this case, votekick will only be valid if the new player refuses to learn and cooperate. Just because someone is a newbie or bad does not mean he is intentionally game ruinning.

I don't want to deny that green sent solo round 3. But is 1 Militia really a reason to kick him? Did he destroy the game with his move?
In my opinion, green learned a lot from his solo send and sent with the team the following rounds. They flamed him and us all the time and created a terrible atomsphere. Thats why he probably left the game later.

In the end I just want to add some lines I found in the replay log:
(00:00 / Allied) White.: im a dihl player
(00:00 / Allied) White.: i kno many admins
(00:00 / Allied) White.: :D

I hope you can clear this up. In my opinion, we were not required to votekick green. If you dont agree, I'm really sorry for wasting your time! But I think it was not valid to votekick green and therefore not valid to ban me.
This feels like a ban request abuse and hatred against me - otherwise he would have reported all players from our team and not just me.

Thanks in advance for your time and effort. Sh4dY-

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Re: Ban Appeal Sh4dY-

Postby Quetra » Wed Feb 07, 2018 3:35 pm


All of your team was banned for the same offence, not just you.

Green sent a whelp alone without saying anything. Their team decided they needed to send with him to make it worth it. They informed you in chat immediately after that this is why they sent and that if he did it again they would start a votekick (valid, since the rule against solo sending is generally when you are warned and continue to send). The 1 militia send may not be much and would not be bannable alone. But it clearly backs up his story that he was solo sending and ignoring the team the first time and will continue to do so. In a situation like this you have to votekick the rule violator. I understand sometimes it may not be clear, but if the whole enemy team is saying it and voting, he probably is forcing send. And if they turn out to be lying, you would not be banned for voting, and they would be banned for votekick abuse.

If you understand and accept that then go to the wiki and find the rule related to your ban and copy and paste it here so i know that you have read the rules.

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Re: Ban Appeal Sh4dY-

Postby Sh4dY- » Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:37 pm


I just dont like the instant-kick-mentality most players have and I prefer to give new players a chance. He sent solo in round 2 and with the team in 7 and 8. For me, it just didnt feel like he is a "visible game ruiner".

It's a thin line, because if I vote !yes and we kick him and then he reports us for votekick-abuse, I might get banned aswell.

Anyway, thx for the clarification.

"If a votekick is initiated to kick a visible game ruiner, all players are obligated to !yes." ... ming:Rules

"Refusing to cooperate by sending alone and not save-send with teammates to win." ... g:LTDRules

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Re: Ban Appeal Sh4dY-

Postby Quetra » Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:51 pm

Unbanned @Sh4dy-

And as I said you shouldn't get banned for votekick abuse if it turns out the team was lying.

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